no symptoms in 2week wait and bfp!


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2011
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Just wondered if anyone had no or very few symptoms in two week wait and still got their bfp? Just after some encouragement!
I thought AF was on her way tbh, as I had all the usual symptoms that she was about to rear her ugly head. The only difference I had was some strange uncomfortable sensations in my uterus, which I think was implantation. Other than that I felt the same as I did every month.

Fx for you

my boobs felt heavy but nothing else x
I Was so sure AF was coming i did not test till a week late... i had no idea i was pregnant!
No symptoms of af for me which I thought was strange & made me test. Only thing I noticed was I needed to pee more xx
Yep this time i had no symptoms except slightly emotional 2 days before AF due, then missed period, after that feeling hot when i woke in the morning and needing to wee a lot in the night! But until i tested (3 days late) i assumed i was out!

The only thing I noticed was that I was really hungry the week before and I
oopps sent that before Id finished somehow lol....

.... anyway, I only noticed becuase Id been doing Slimming World and really struggled to keep to it that week because I was so hungry. Apart from that I had nothing, boobs fine, no sickness, not overly tired, not going to the toilet anymore than usual. I actually had all the signs that AF was well and truely on its way and even had a small bleed a few days before I was due on so was absolutely convinced I was out. We were both completely gobsmacked when we got our BFP that weekend so yes be encouraged it can happen. Fingers crossed for you hun xxx
I had no symptoms, I just poas because I felt like it lol.
Lipped will hold on to these stories and hope that Tuesday af stays away then its the first month I have truly felt in the running in 9months!

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