No Pregnancy Symptoms!


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2006
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Hello everyone,

I hope youre all okay in this fine weather! Im feeling extra hot..I have a slight worry which i would like you mumsys to help in..I do not have any pregnancy symptoms any more...I am ten weeks more nausea..i never had any morning sickness, Im not feeling tired anymore all i have is a slight period pain and very very hungry..what do you think girls??????????????? :( Ive heard about a condition where the mother looses the baby and only notices the miscarriage on her first scan..HELLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi hun,

Please don't frett!!!!

Firstly, the main thing is you are getting close to the 12 weeks which is when the hormones start to calm down as the placenta will take over feeding and looking after the baby....that is why most people will feel better after about 9-14 weeks.

The fact that you are hungry is a good sign and the fact you mention NO pain or bleeing & pain is is also a brilliant positive.

It wont be long til you have your scan babe, there are quite a few of us with NO pregnancy symptoms and are longing for our scans to check things are oK..........just us being over cautious hun!

Try not to worry, take care and keep us posted! :hug: xx
well you certainly made me feel better! thanks. its just that im reading a load of stuff which makes me a bit looking forward for my first scan but am a bit scared as well..its just maternal love i you get any fears as well????
Oh hun, I was in a bit of a tiz woz last night, I was convinced I was no longer pregnant, and wanted OH to go to the shop to get another PG test...which he would have done, then the next minute I was doubting whether that would tell me anything anyway?!? :shock: :cry:

I did another test today :oops: and it said "Pregnant" I think we just have to chill a bit and listen to our bodies.......I too have heard about those scans you mentioned babe, but also it is not extremely common for that to happen, our bodies do have a brilliant way of telling us when something is wrong.....although I think we are just over cautious, and why wouldn't we be?!?

Keep ya chin up babe, I have my fingers crossed for you, but I am sure you will be fine :hug: xx

Keep us posted!!!!! I have an ante natal on Friday, so I will post about that when I get back, I hope I can give you more reasurance! :wink:
I forgot to mention, this is my second baby and I still don't have a clue :lol: They are all different! :wink: xx
yessssssssss thats true doubting wether you are pregnant cos i ask my partner a million times if the test was really positive or not..he thinks im crazy but bless him hes got all the patience in the world ! my scan is in two weeks time..knowing that im not the only one with these doubts makes me feel belly is growing as well..a size twelve is already small for me..i was a size ten before ...hehehe..i guess its going to be a baby elephant..please tell me how your scan went...
Awwww babe, the fact that you are getting bigger is brilliant!!!

I will post about my scan as soon as I get back, although I have no idea when it will be as yet, I hope to get an appointment after Friday?!!!

Good luck with your scan babe....remember to post about it and a possible piccy? I am sure you will feel so much better afterwards babe! xx
I know just how you feel guys? I'm 10w 1 day today and last week I felt so huge that I was actually checking my dates because the girls in work were convinced I was further along than I thought I was.

I think the trouble was water retention because since this hot weather the bump has gone smaller, but it's a lot harder. It's certainly still a bump but I feel less "whale like" now!

I haven't really had morning sickness, but if I don't eat little and often througout the day I feel sick and dizzy. Hence I seem to be eating bits and pieces most of the day, crackers here, oranges there. Drinking lots of water.

Boob soreness comes and goes - sometimes down the sides and around the nipple they are really sore (and sometimes itchy??), especially if I've been asleep on my back and then turn over, that REALLY hurts.

I'm the same as you though. got my scan on the 20th July (it's the OSCAR BUPA one, not the NHS) and I'm still thinking that all this is a huge mistake and there's nothing there!!!!
roxanne080 said:
Hello everyone,

I hope youre all okay in this fine weather! Im feeling extra hot..I have a slight worry which i would like you mumsys to help in..I do not have any pregnancy symptoms any more...I am ten weeks more nausea..i never had any morning sickness, Im not feeling tired anymore all i have is a slight period pain and very very hungry..what do you think girls??????????????? :( Ive heard about a condition where the mother looses the baby and only notices the miscarriage on her first scan..HELLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hey babes... i never had any preggy symptoms and i was just as paranoid as u and still am... i still worry if im gonna have a miscarriage... but theres no point in worrying over something u have no control of... think positive and ull get a positive result...
Shaz said:
I know just how you feel guys? I'm 10w 1 day today and last week I felt so huge that I was actually checking my dates because the girls in work were convinced I was further along than I thought I was.

I think the trouble was water retention because since this hot weather the bump has gone smaller, but it's a lot harder. It's certainly still a bump but I feel less "whale like" now!

I haven't really had morning sickness, but if I don't eat little and often througout the day I feel sick and dizzy. Hence I seem to be eating bits and pieces most of the day, crackers here, oranges there. Drinking lots of water.

Boob soreness comes and goes - sometimes down the sides and around the nipple they are really sore (and sometimes itchy??), especially if I've been asleep on my back and then turn over, that REALLY hurts.

I'm the same as you though. got my scan on the 20th July (it's the OSCAR BUPA one, not the NHS) and I'm still thinking that all this is a huge mistake and there's nothing there!!!!

Your BB's may be itchy as they are getting bigger and the skin is stretching?!

I am sure your scan will be just fine babe, not long to wait now although I am sure you would rather be having it today.............let us know how it goes, keep us posted!

Good Luck babe xx
you girls read my mind i was going to start a topic on this very subject as well. Its a constant worry isn't it. Firstly you worry that you can become pregnant in the first place, then when you do you worry that you should be feeling different, and iller!! and then you worry til you get the scan and get the first trimester out the way and everythings ok and then you worry after that about something different!! :lol: Does the worrying ever ever end i ask myself!! :think:
i too have done so many HPTs to check i am pregnant and am so looking forward to the scan for reassurance, on the same note though i don't want to wish my pregnancy away and enjoy it as much as possible!! :wall:
Hey shaz my scan is on the 20th of July too!!! I have the NHS one at the local hospital though! Thanks girls you really reasurred me..!
Sadly, I don't think there is any let up on the worryinig side of the pregnancy.........because once you can feel the baby move, which is the best reassurance there is (after the scan) you get a little time to enjoy it, then the birth is on your mind! :shock: :wall:

But you gotta laugh, otherwise we would all cry!

And just remember, we all have raving hormones and we are all just human and care, but will worry ourselves sick as a result! :wink:

US AND OUR LITTLE BUNDLES WILL ALL BE FINE!!!!!! :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:
You know Tam is right...we're all here in the first trimester worrying about our bumps, or lack of bumps, symptons or lack of symptons - has anyone yet started worrying about actually giving birth!!!

I have to see a consultant on the 1st August because I had a retached retina and had an operation on my eye in September of last year.

Midwife is concerned because with all the pushing and heaving going on the pressure in my head may cause more trouble. I think if there is any doubt I'll go for a c-section. I was laid up for 10 weeks after the eye op and having a newborn and having to have another eye operation is not appealing!!

Has anyone ever heard of this being a problem? Eye strain during labour?? I might start a new post because I can't find any connection on the internet - all the details about eye strain and birth are talking about the baby, not the mum!!!
i must admit im not thinking of the birth yet :shock: but thats only like tam said cos got other things to worry about, I hope all our babies will arrive safe well and healthy :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:
count your lukcy st*rs u havent got symptoms yet, notlong after you get them you'll be wishing you didnt have them!!! ;)
Shaz said:
You know Tam is right...we're all here in the first trimester worrying about our bumps, or lack of bumps, symptons or lack of symptons - has anyone yet started worrying about actually giving birth!!!

I have to see a consultant on the 1st August because I had a retached retina and had an operation on my eye in September of last year.

Midwife is concerned because with all the pushing and heaving going on the pressure in my head may cause more trouble. I think if there is any doubt I'll go for a c-section. I was laid up for 10 weeks after the eye op and having a newborn and having to have another eye operation is not appealing!!

Has anyone ever heard of this being a problem? Eye strain during labour?? I might start a new post because I can't find any connection on the internet - all the details about eye strain and birth are talking about the baby, not the mum!!!

I have never heard anything about eye strain and labour, I had mine closed during pushing!!! It was hand strain I had, make sure you cut your nails before labour if you have any?!?!?

I am not worrying about the birth yet, as there are other hurdles for now, as rusks agrees......but I do have a hernia behind my belly button, so I know the birth will be a huge thing for me, but before that I have to find out if the bump can grow without strangulating I may need to have it operated on if this is the case :shock: Apparently I will know if this does happen, as I will not be able to stop being :puke: :cry: So I have my fingers tightly crossed!.................

But for now, I am with you guys and looking forward to knowing all is OK in the little womb in a few weeks time! xx

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