no movement of baby all evening and night

i love it, i even got my first small boot in the ribs a couple of days ago:) prob wont be saying yay to that soon:)
im getting booted in the bladder more than anything. ouch! :talkhand:
yeah its a pain in the arse especially when it is at 5 in the morning:(
baby doesnt move when daddy talks to it ...dont think it likes him either lol (im so mean to him)

It kicks alot when zack comes near me. I cant work out if its jealous of zack or it likes him.
IM feeling loads of movement more like shuffling about than a kick then all of a sudden it feels like someone is tickling my belly button from the inside :shock: still cant feel anything on outside yet dunno if that to do with my placenta is at the front so bubs is hiding behind it :) when did all you ladies feel it on the outside for the first time?
i have only just been able to feel it on the outside for the past couple of weeks:)
Thanks little lady, it feels so intense on the inside sometimes that you would of thought you could feel it on the outside, will have to be more patient! :D :D
Yeah i know what you mean, it felt really hard on the inside but still cudnt feel anything, i can now even feel and see my baby moving and kicking, it makes me giggle:)
Isnt it the best!!! :D when i was expecting my 2 boys i used to lay in the bath for hours just watching my belly moving much better than watching tv lol! :D :D
littlelady87 said:
i have only just been able to feel it on the outside for the past couple of weeks:)

Cant wait for that... I can get my friends to feel it then,
ops and OH cant forget him lol
yeah its lovely, i cant wait to see the little feet and stuff poking out too, any idea when that starts to happen???
I dont have an other half but my 2 boys cant wait will seem loads more real to them then :D
lol I can imagion zacks face when he sees the baby moving about in there. God must be so scary from his point of view.
Yeah my 2 are gonna have a competition and draw silly faces on my belly and which one moves the first is the winner!!!! daft or what? lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
awww thats really sweet :D

Your going to have to take pics of that.... if you let them do it.
Oh i will deffo let them do it and im sposed to be the grown up in this house :shock: yerrrrright lmao! :lol: :lol:
lol its fun playing with them and letting them do things like that. Zack wanted to go swimming the other day, I dont have a garden so I put the paddaling pool up in the front room and put the heating on lol.

Cleaned it all up before OH came home from work. Would have got away with it aswell, but zack had to open his big gob and tell on me lol

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