No money :(


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2008
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Things are really really tight at the moment and we have received a letter from one of our credit cards saying they are starting with legal proceedings :wall: We were already skint without this recent credit crunch.. I just feel so embarassed about it all and I feel like I cant even ask friends over because we dont have enough money to get things in. I can't even buy my dad something decent for fathers day :cry: Gone are the days were a homemade card would have been enough!

I just feel so trapped at the moment :|
hi there huni.

i know how u feel we are feeling it too.

just on anther note, with the fathers day present :D

how about my mum did it a few yrs ago n cost lest to nothing, get a photo frame, n collect loads of pics of ur fathers sons n daughter then grandkids n put it all together in a photo frame my grandad loved it and he passed away but it still hangs on the wall :D
I think alot of people are feeling this way at the minute, the price of everything just seems to be going up :(

I've had loads of letters like that in the past. Have you tried ringing them and explaining that you're struggling? They might accept lower payments for a few months until you get sorted.

If it's already been passed to a debt collection agency then don't worry. It'll go on your credit file but chances are you won't have to pay back as much each month, and you won't be charged interest.

As for Father's Day, don't feel guilty. What's wrong with a hand made card, or even a hand made present if you have any ideas? It's the meaning that's important, not how much you spend. Maybe just write a nice note inside, I'm sure that will mean just as much to your Dad :hug:
There is lots of stuff you can do about your credit card, take a look at the national debtline website it is fab and they have a helpline that you get through to very quickly, HTH :D
Its really tough I know :( I really struggled a few years back and ended up having to go through the Citizens Advice Bureau and got them to deal with all my creditors. They arranged affordable repayments for me and within a couple of years I was back on track.
As for Fathers Day, I think the picture frame idea is a good one :hug:
I hope you manage to get something sorted and i am sure your dad wouldnt mind not having a present, or as the other girls have said, a handmade present is a nice idea. :hug: :hug: :hug:
If your struggling there are ways to cut costs - your not alone, a lot of people are feeling the pinch at the moment :hug: How about cutting off your phone/broadband? Do you have Sky tv.. reduce the package or call to try and get them to give you reduced line rental. Check your mobile phone package to see if there are better deals. Contact your Credit Card companies and make them an offer of what you can afford.

Just DON'T bury your head in the sand about it as these things have a habit of getting worse if you do that. I'm sure a few phone calls to companies will make you feel a lot less stressed. (I am type that will bury head previously :oops: )

Like I said I think we are all in the same boat at the moment hun. :hug: :hug:
We're in the same boat at the mo. I'm on SMP so half my usual income. OH lost his job the day i gave birth. Mortgage has just gone up. We've gone through a company that sorts all our finances and debts out by writing to all our companies and making offers on monthly payments. Any debt letters we just send on to them and they deal with it. We don't speak to anyone. They're so helpful and always keep us upto date. I'm pleased we did it.
But we're still majorly struggling. My dad won't get anything for father's day. But he won't mind. Just seeing him will be enough.
Martin lewis' money saving expert forum has some great tips on cutting back and sorting out debts etc.

Call the credit card company and explain, they would much rather have any kind of communication or an offer of reduced payments than have to pay court costs etc.
We were struggling big time a while back, but were now on a debt solouion programme and itdsreally helping us save the pennies and make them phone calls to your companies you need too and offer them payment, its whwn you go silent that they get the arse.

Dont bury your head you can do this!
I don't think ringing your creditors will help a great deal as my OH went down that road first off and they just said no basically to what my OH had to offer but going with a debt company they are able to freeze the interest on some of your debts so you can smaller monthly payments but you will be paying your debt off without the added interest. Try and sort it before it gets out of hand. There is so many people who can help with debt, dont feel embarressed by it either, this year has been hard on alot of people. My Mum has always said to me its only money, as long as you have a roof over your head thats all that matters. They cannot take something from you if you don't have it :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks everyone :hug: Its comforting to know alot of you are in the same boat at the moment as selfish as that sounds! I think we will contact a few debt companies and see what they can do for us or the CAB, thanks for your help guys. I wasn't sure whether these people kick you when your down or actually help :oops:

Ideally a couple of mortgages holidays would be ideal but I don't think we can have them yet. I dont have sky / broadband / contract mobile phone to cut back on.

Thanks guys, I really appreciate all your posts :hug:
Glad your feeling better about it all.

Just remember not to pay any company to deal with this for you as CAB, Payplan and consumer credit councelling service will do it for free...or if you are up to it national debtline give you all the tools, template letters etc to tackle the creditors yourself

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