No heartbeat


Active Member
Jul 2, 2015
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I had an early scan i was 5 weeks +5, i have to go back in 2 weeks as there was no heartbeat this early, has anyone else had no heartbeat at this stage? The scan lady assured me everything was normal for this stage but im soo anxious .. help!
That is quite normal- they don't usually develop enough to have a heartbeat until 6 weeks. Try not to worry- easier said than done I know x
No experience but didn't want to read and run. I have read lots of posts from ladies on here who had scans at 5 weeks and no heartbeat, then saw the heartbeat at later scans xx all sounds very normal to me hunni - try not to panic xxx
Yeah normal had one at 5+5 last pregnancy and no heartbeat I went back 2 weeks later and was heartbeat don't worry x
Hoping all will be good for your next scan, try to stay positive as it's not unusual not to detect a heartbeat yet x
I had a scan at 5+6 , there was no heartbeat and baby measured behind. Had another one at 8 weeks and baby measured perfectly with a nice heartbeat.
I had this, I couldn't stop myself from breaking down everytime I went to the EPU.
I think I was about 8weeks when I returned and I saw my LO's heartbeat on the screen, the emotions that day were all over the place.
Hey I had my first scan on Thursday last week I thought I was 6weeks but they out me at 5w4d. The technician and my husband both thought they could see little flickers (I have twins) but the technician said because he couldn't measure the flickers he couldn't be certain and so he could not report back to my dr that there are heartbeats. He recommended another scan in 1-2 weeks so I'm in he same boat as you. He also said everything looks normal. He said the heart only would've existed for 4days and it's not uncommon for it to be hard to measure this early.

Fingers crossed for both of us xx
That is very early hun. Some people do see a heartbeat at that stage but most don't until sometime in the 6th week. If the baby was measuring what it should be for how far along you are, then it's most probably okay :)
Yes me.
5+6 only saw yolk sac.

I had a scan 2 weeks later dating 8+3 with a little baby and hb visable :)
Hes now 2 yrs old xx
I had a scan at 5+6 and only saw a yolk, then went back at 7 weeks to see a beautiful heartbeat. The anxiety never stops though! Xx
Thanks everyone just sooo anxious all the time thinking about it.
I went yesterday supposedly 7 weeks on the dot by LMP But knew I ovulated late and she put me at 5+6 which matches the exact day I thought I got pregnant, just a sac with a yolk sac and feral pole, thought she saw a flicker but couldn't be certain, rescan next Saturday, same boat as you but feeling positive.please keep us informed xx
Normal we did not see a hb till 6 weeks
I went at exactly 6 weeks and there was no heart beat, they measured me at 4+2 so I was worried out my mind, knowing I couldn't be that early. I was back on Friday when I was exactly 8 weeks and had a lovely strong heart beat and measure me at 8+3 :)
As easy as it is to say, try relax. I know it's hard but everyone develops at different rates and things are so tiny that not everything can be accurate.

PP xXx
Fab news! Really pleased to hear all is going well xx
You must be so relieved! great new and I'm so happy for you x

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