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Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2006
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Well i have been having like a brown colour when only when i wipe not enough to go through to a pad and hadnt been too much but then the other day there was a bit of blood there when i wiped but then never happened again so went to see the nurse today but she said i should leave it just because i m/c last time doesnt make it more likely to happen again this time.
Only thing is thats how we found out last time when i was having a small amount of brown when wiping so i have been convinced im going to miscarry again and was just dreading getting sent for a scan but looks like im not getting one just now anyway :?
She also had a look with this thing to see if she could see any new bleeding there but she said there was none there to be seen.

So now i have to wait and go back if i get heavy bleeding or pains but i still have a bad feeling and cant get that out of my head that im going to lose this pregnancy :cry:I just feel like i cant go on like im pregnant because i really dont want to end up sooo disapointed like the last time.
hello hun i have been thinking about you :hug: :hug:

Im so sorry you are feeling like this at the moment there isnt a lot i can say to make you feel any better but im sure everything will be ok, i know how scared you are hun believe me but worrying (i know thats easy for me to say) isnt going to help.

Did they say why you cant have a scan?

Just relax and take things easy im here for you anytime you know that hun, you can ring or text anytime or PM me hun, look after yourself please xx :hug: :hug:
Aww hun im so sorry to hear your going through this.

I bet you are worried out of your mind but you have to remember that you may be fine, so as hard as it is try not to worry.

I would demand a scan to put your mind at rest, im not sure why they havent offered you one to be honest hun.

I'll be thinking of you, Relax & take care of yourself.

Thnaks for the replie's sorry if i didnt make much sense just had to get it all out :oops:

She didnt really say why she just didnt seem to think we should do anything just now and wait and see how it goes even thought i explained that this is how my last m/c started off , and if i get any pains or heavy proper bleeding then to go back and they will refer me to the epu at the hospital and they would do a scan there.

Im just going to wait over the weekend unless it gets any worse and will go back to the doctors next week and say i really need a scan to let me know whats what otherwise i will just crack up !
Hi Michelle,
why don't you call the epu unit yourself? they can only say no...but they might also say yes to a reasurance scan, I would try anyway, after all thats what our Taxes pay for, and it's also their job..... reasurance until the regular 12wk scan, thats what my GP told me anyway... so give them a call and explain your fears..good luck sweetie, take care lv Yvonne xx
Hi Honey,

Yvonne speaks nothing but pure sense...try ringing them honey. Got everything crossed for you.

:hug: :hug:
I am going through a similar problem, was brown blood now very red and waterey and still lots in my womb but my baby was there on scan, heartbeat and strange they just could not tell if I was going to miscarry, just a waiting game, they told me there is nothing they could do to stop it but if i became so heavy and filled a pad then go to A and E or special ward....very frightened and anxious still but i have found support from this forum and surrounded by family. Strange had pain today but could have been bowels, same kind of i will keep my fingers crossed for you, my babe is high in my womb so that makes me think somehow it is being saved from all the blood.
Let me know how you get on xxx
I will keep everything crossed for you too ginnymarie :hug:

Im pretty much the same tracey hun just going to see how the weekend goes then im going to go back to the docs next week see what they say had a very small amount of blood when i wiped twice today but nothing much really.will let you all know how i get on.xx
ok hun look after yourself we are all here for you anytime hun if you need us at all.

Good luck for next week il be thinking of you now just rest this weekend dont do anything xx :hug:
aww hun i'm sorry to hear your havin to go thru all this worry again, i think yvonne said what i was thinkin, ring the epau yourself and see what they say maybe they will get you in without a refferal? or is it possble to speak to another gp at your surgery?

i know when i was first preg this time i was worried silly and one of the gps wasnt very helpful but i think it was cos i was puttin a brave face on so she didnt see any real distress when she said that she wasnt goin to refer me for a scan i went to see the other gp and broke down in tears i know it sounds bad but when i showed them just how worried and upset i was they were much quicker to help me, most doctors ahte to see a woman crying :wink:

i've got everything crossed for you hun keep us posted :hug: :hug:
Hope you are ok :hug:

I agree with yvonne- maybe you should give the unit a call yourself- hope all is ok :pray:

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