No checks for 10 weeks with twins, I'm concerned.


Apr 14, 2005
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Hi ladies,
I have a bit of a worry. I had my booking scan at 9+3 because the appointment had to be rescheduled because of some hospital thing.
My next scan at 20 weeks is 3rd July.
I actually don't need to see anyone until then becaue I'm not having the spina bifida and down's tests at 15/16 weeks. (It's totally inconclusive with twins apparently).
Because of the high risks with twins and growth rates etc I'm quite worried about not knowing ANYTHING for 10 weeks. One twin has already dropped behind a little in growth and we aren't 100% sure if they are fraternal or identical yet, although very likely fraternal.
I considered buying a doppler on e-Bay so I could at least listen to the heartbeats but I read someone elses comments saying there's wasn't strong enough and it was a waste.
My midwife is a slightly narky old mare, so I don't feel inspired to ask her to do a heartbeat check, she'll probably tell me I'm worrying too much.
Has anyone had twin experience or have any ideas about what a sensible course of action would be?
HI and Congradulations,
Its pretty normal to not get checked out again till 12 wks,
and I personally would have the downs U/S tests done as it gets you another look at you babies (thats why I had mine done)

you should be refered to a OB to follow your care, and after about 20wks you should have 3-4 weekly scans,

hope this helps
HI and thanks for your reply.
I've had the equivalent of the 12 weeks check, but I had it at 9+3.
And I don't ge to see anything on the down's/spina bifida test because it's only a blood test. I'm told it would come back with a result of high risk, even if there isn't.
HI, Here In NEw Zealand they have ascan at 12wks to check for Nucal transluceny (spinabifida)
I would recommend a doppler. My mum bought one for me with my first pregnancy (she wished they had them around when she had hers!) and it was great to put my mind at rest. She bought it new of e-bay for about £100. Heidi 7+1
My friend just bought a brand new doppler from Boots or mothercare for £30, she loves it.
Hello - regarding dopplers we hired one off the internet i think its about £30 for one month and then £25 for every further month if you wish to continue with it. I have found it really reassuring, and the heartbeat is outstandingly clear - you don't have to struggle to hear it at all. Highly recommended!

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