No bleeding after ERPC


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2012
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I had an ERPC yesterday. I should of been 9weeks 2 days pregnant but baby failed to develop.

Anyway I had some spotting the night before the procedure which I thought was my body finally deciding to get rid of the pregnancy but after a scan it showed it was just old blood around the gestational sac.
So I had the procedure and I had a couple of spots of blood after I came out of theatre but I haven't had anything since.
I have had absolutely no pain and no bleeding is this normal?

Michelle x
I have no experience of this/wise words of wisdom to share, but just wanted to say sorry again about your loss :hug:
Hi Michelle. I had an ERPC in Feb and I was the exact same. I had geared myself up for quite a lot of bleeding but after I left the hospital I had no more until AF arrived. No pain either except the occasional stabbing pain through my stomach when I stood up for maybe a day afterwards, don't even know if that was related but assuming it was. I hope you're ok x
I am heartbroken to be going through another loss but at the same time I am feeling very positive for the future if that makes sense.
Both myself and my husband have decided to start trying again this cycle. So although we are still grieving for our lost baby we are determined to go all out this cycle and see if you really are extremely fertile just after a miscarriage.
I was expecting a lot my physical pain after the ERPC and bleeding for days or weeks so I bought lots of ovulation tests to track my cycle as I was expecting it to be long and messed up but maybe that won't be the case.
I am also going to use pregnancy tests every few days over the next week or so to make sure my hormones have returned back to normal.
If I am doing all that it makes me feel like I am doing something positive and proactive . Does that make me sound weird???

Michelle x
I don't think that makes you sound weird at all. I think it's great, it's being proactive and focussing on something constructive. I hope it works for you! The ERPC didn't make my cycles weird at all, if I took the day of ERPC as CD1 then AF arrived pretty much when I would have expected it. It's an awful thing to have to go through, but you're doing the right thing in trying to move forward and hopefully next time it'll all go perfectly x
After my erpc I was fine for a few days with minimal bleeding then after about 5-6 days started bleeding loads and having bad cramps. This lasted about 5 days.

I tried tracking cycle but didn't know what hormones were showing up on the tests and decided to leave it one cycle to give my body chance to sort itself out, it also took 3 weeks to get a neg preg test and a week after that af arrived.

I got preg second cycle even tho we were ntnp.

Hope you are ok and don't get any pain or bleeding - I've seen loads of people get preg again straight away - hope you are one of them xxx
Sorry to hear of your loss. I had an erpc op but bled for 12 days after so can't commented on the no bleeding. I counted the day of the op as cd1 and I ovulated on day 16, af arrived after 28 days. I then got pregnant with my son the next cycle. We had a half hearted attempt at ttc the first go but with only a few days of no bleeding before ov didn't give us much chance. I understand the need to be proactive too, hope your not waiting too long xx
I got none either - a weird orange froth stuff (sorry TMI!) and the only pain I got was the gas pain, like trapped wind. After my procedure, I decided to change things in my life that weren't making me happy. After being pregnant so many times and feeling down, I was about a stone over my "happy weight" so I joined weight watchers. I lost 16lb in 5 weeks! I then quit my job as it was making me beyond miserable and found a new one. All in all, a much happier me. We also decided to take a break from TTC. Which was actually a really welcome relief after over three years of it. I also cut out booze completely, I didn't drink a lot on the first place but I just wanted to be clear headed.
I'm glad you're feeling positive and having a goal in mind certainly helps you refocus! Wishing you all the beys and look forward to hearing some happy news soon xxxxxxxxx
My first erpc was like that Michelle. I had 3 in the end and it was only the last one I bled really badly but I was on the blood thinning injections then.

It's up to you when you try again, it's right when you feel ready. You are braver than me!
Good luck. Xxx
So sorry for your loss, i had an erpc in september 12 i had no blood loss after and my cycle returned 28 days after (my usual cycle)
Take care and lots of luck for trying again x
Thank you everyone for all your help and advice, fx my cycle isn't messed up too much and I can get back to normal as soon as possible and hopefully get a super healthy and sticky BFP soon

Michelle x
Hi Michelle.... I had my erpc on Tuesday just gone and was told to expect around ten days of bleeding as this apparently is typical. Like you, apart from a tiny bit coming out of the op I haven't had any at all. No cramps either. It seems to be different for everyone, but perhaps we were given just a tiny bit of relief on the phycsical issue to make up for all the tears we both cried before. I think it's great that you're being proactive and even more that your OH is on board. My last mmc felt even worse afterwards because my OH wasn't ready to try again which was the opposite of what I felt. Good luck with it...I am thinking of you and sending you lots of love. Let's hope and pray that next time your little one is the one who was meant to be <3
Hi Michelle.... I had my erpc on Tuesday just gone and was told to expect around ten days of bleeding as this apparently is typical. Like you, apart from a tiny bit coming out of the op I haven't had any at all. No cramps either. It seems to be different for everyone, but perhaps we were given just a tiny bit of relief on the phycsical issue to make up for all the tears we both cried before. I think it's great that you're being proactive and even more that your OH is on board. My last mmc felt even worse afterwards because my OH wasn't ready to try again which was the opposite of what I felt. Good luck with it...I am thinking of you and sending you lots of love. Let's hope and pray that next time your little one is the one who was meant to be <3

I have been thinking about you recently and wondering how you were getting on. Fx you don't get any pain or bleeding and your body gets back to normal as soon as possible. Sending you lots f love and hugs. Hopefully we will both be back in TRI 1 with our super healthy babies

Michelle x

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