Nit Treatments - safe in pregnancy?

Rosie's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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My MIL just phoned and said that the children she looks after had to be treated for nits last night, we were there when the children arrived and Rosie played with them for a while. Im going to treat Rosie's hair but am I safe to do so? I will check on the bottle when I get the treatment but just wondered if anyone else has used it when pregnant? I cant believe this, I HATE nits! :wall2:
I'm a hairdresser and I dont know of any dnagers of using it while pregnant but as you say, best to just check the bottle. They are horrible things arent they! xxxx
I would get them from a chemist and then check with the pharmacist while you're there, just in case! I hate those little things, my OH's daughter brought them over as an unwanted present when she was small - I was fine, just treated my hair but my OH has dreads and getting rid of them took over a month, it was HORRIBLE. Good luck!
Hmmm well I went to Boots today and asked the pharmacist's advice - she said none of the available treatments are recommended in pregnancy, even the natural ones have tea tree oil in which is off limits. I dont think we have them but I have to keep checking - if I do then they advised I see the doctor. I CANNOT have nits in my hair, I will shave it all off if I cant treat it and buy a nice wig..:lol:
Hi Hun my oh is a hairdresser and he recomended, conditioner. Put it all through your hair ( if you have them that is) and it's a case of going through it with a nit comb!! :-) hope you don't have em Hun xx
Right then, its going on tonight! I dont think I have them, will keep checking though! Thanks for that advice! xx
that shows how much i know! conditioner does work but wont get rid completely. There must be something that pregnant women can use to kill head lice thats just stupid if not! xxx
I know - there has to be something otherwise if I did get them I would be constantly re-infecting everyone in the house!
There are new combs available - they cost about £10 but are great - i remember getting them with my first pregnancy twice and i had hair to my waist!! hours in the bath and many strokes with the comb ahhhhh
If it helps, those new combs Evajo mentioned are called the Nitty Gritty, have two layers of comb and so can catch eggs as well as nits. Just make sure hair is dampwet to not damage hair and for best results. you can get them online as not always stocked everywhere.
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I'm sure someone once told me that mayonnaise would do the trick too, not sure how I'd feel about having a head full of mayo though...
Mayo..hehe. Luckily we didnt have nits thank the LORD!! I hope to goodness sake we dont get them ever, I have a thing about hair..
Lucky that you don't have them :-D I have REALLY thick curly locks so it'd be a nightmare if I ever picked them up!
You can get those combs that send out little electrical pulses that are meant to kill 'em can't you? I don't see why those would be harmful?

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