Nits, but no headlice ...


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2011
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Hi all, not posted on the forum for a few months, as i've not had a laptop and i couldn't be bothered with the app being a busy mum :)

Anyway, was sat cuddling Josh earlier today and playing with his hair, and i found a black bit in his red hair (stood out quite a bit) anyway i got a comb and used conditioner and got a nit comb and found quite of few (20 ish?) what i think were nits (eggs) when i was looking at them on his head they were about an inch away from his scalp. they were browy coloured, what what i think looked like a hair strand 'tail' and oval shaped, if that makes any sense at all.

i've checked OH, he had nothing, Dylan had nothing, I checked me cause OH refused to do it :( and i've got around the same amount of 'nits'

but nothing live??

i've not treated either of us, but i'm going to comb his hair again tomorrow although he HATED it.

i just don't understand whats going on.....
Sorry, I don't know anything about lice, but wanted to say hi! I remember you from tri 3 :) good luck with the nits too!
Paige has them now :( horrible things! Just keep tooth combing and removing all the eggs u can! It takes about 15 mins for me to get any alive lice! She does have very long hair mind :) I make sure I straighten my hair every day now to try an burn mine if I have any! Haha as my OH wont check me either xx
U need to treat the nits, if they are there then there will be lice somewhere, they are very good at hiding and difficult to find as they move very quick but they are there, if not treated they will multiply very quick x I'm a hairdresser and used to spotting it just go to chemist, there are lots of products these days which are very easy to use and not as difficult as bone combing every day x
I got these when I was pregnant but they went on to be nits, I used the nitty gritty comb and went through my head a few times and it got rid of the lot.

You can get the nitty gritty comb on prescription too as its about a tender but I can't recommend it enough :), best bit is no chemicals and I haven't had anything since :)

X x x
Best thing to do with wet comb with lots of conditioner. If you use loud of chemicals they can become immune to it!

I had constant nits when I was growing up! Annoying buggers!


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