:( Nipples - ouch!


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2007
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(I did originally post this in the BF support thread, but could use a reply before I go off for a nap)

Ugh, I feel I need support today! I'm coming up to four weeks tomorrow, and it's got quite a lot better than the beginning but when I'm on a good streak it's gets worse again!

One of my boobs always hurts a lil more than the other, but today especially. I just tried to feed LO from it and yelped, actually tbh, I said 'f**k' rather loudly. I had to unlatch her, she cried 'cause she was hungry and I had to have a closer inspection, and I think I have a cracked nipple :( (looks like a tiny little tear/hole or something on one side). Then I cried!

I fed from the other boob, and DH took her over to MIL's so I could have some time and they'll come back in two hours.

I'm half naked, coated in Lansinoh and sulking. What can I do to make it better really quickly? Keep Lansinoh-ing religiously?

How do I feed through this, I'll be terrified when she comes home.

I've not found it easy, I know it's not meant to be easy, but I swear I could give up now. I also know I don't mean that and I won't stop until I can't do it anymore. But phew...
:hug: :hug: :hug:

Sore nips are a killer, i remember oh so well.

Yep keep applying the cream.
My HV gave me some dressings called coolie, which are for sore, cracked or tender nipples. Maybe you could ask yours if she could provide your with some.
I do have two left from when i got given them so your more than welcome to them hun, i can post them out but they wont reach you till tues :? so may be no good to you. Just PM me if you want them.
I felt like you do and it was horrible. So many times I was going to give up. I swore, I literally pulled my own hair, bit my own hands and even dumped Luke down on the bed and ran off crying my eyes out in frustration, anger and pain.

We had the worst night ever and that, for some reason, was the turning point for me. I think I had got myself into such a terrible state of mind about feeding, dreaded every feed and just generally didn't enjoy any aspect of it at all.

At week 6, it all changed. I put myself into a positive frame of mind and decided that I COULD do this.... and I did. I'm not saying that it was my frame of mind that was causing my pain... far from it, but I think my stress levels didn't help things.

A few things to consider...

Is her latch good? Have you had anyone check it for you?
What position are you feeding her in?
Have you tried nipple shields whilst you allow your nipples to heal?

If you're unsure about her latch, get someone to come and check it for you. Your HV will be able to refer you to someone to do that or your Mat Unit may have a day unit you can go to for support.

Slap the Lansinoh on like it's going out of fashion and get as much air to them as possible.

Good luck xxx
Ditto everything Debbie said...particularly about slapping lansinoh on like it's going out of fashion and getting as much air to them as possible. It DOES get better... :hug: :hug:
Aww :hug: :hug:

I have one boob that hurts more than the other (but I think that is a painful letdown problem as I use nipple shields anyway). I would certainly recommend a nipple shield whilst the crack heals (or maybe expressing if it really painful still), I haven't had a cracked nipple since using the shields which is good.

My midwife told me that Vaseline is as good as Lasinoh just in case you run out and want a cheaper option. Oh and she also said squeeze out a bit of milk and leave than on your sore boob as it has magic healing properties.

Lots of hugs though as I know the feeling of wanting to give up even though I have no intention of doing so :hug: :hug: Who'd have thought something that is meant to be so bloody natural is so difficult?

Hope you manage to get some rest!
I had one boob that hurt more than the other... :think: Dunno why that is... But I promise It WILL get better... :hug: Usually around the 6 week mark it becomes easy... :)

But now you have amazingly made it all the way to 3 weeks make your next goal to get to a month... Just aim for that.... :) Thats only one week away... if you get there make your new goal 6 weeks... thats only 3 weeks away...

You are doing fantasically well....and that beautiful baby you hold in your arms, is all you...all your hard work, blood and pain...literally. Don't sulk, your wounds are your war wounds at being a fab mummy.

Smother in laniosh or rub with boob milk... and leave to air... and just keep feeding.... :hug: :hug: :hug: Some people swear by nipple sheilds so give them a go... I never got on with them, they kept falling off... :lol: We have all come close to quitting at some point or another.... so we all know how you feel, been in the same boat.... but most people quit for the fact that they receive no support. So remember that all of us support you in whatever you decide to do...we are all proud of you and you should be too.. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks for the advice, I read it last night just before they got back.

I was really careful on her latch and it was ok, I was expecting it to hurt like it did earlier. I've been covered in Lansinoh and tried to give them as much air last night as poss, I soaked two muslins though! I think the fact that I leak so much, and therefore am always against a wet milky pad probably doesn't help.

Thanks so muhc for the advice, I'm determined to make it another month. :pray:
Nicky, we're at the same stage of BFing our LOs and also feeling the same by the sounds of it!!

I dread Evie's feeds from my right boob, my nipple is cracked and has been for a couple of weeks now. I NEVER let any air get to them, so I get it's that!! :wall: Even nipple shields don't help that much tbh!

This thread has helped me no end too, thanks Nic!! :hug: xxx
dannii87 said:
Nicky, we're at the same stage of BFing our LOs and also feeling the same by the sounds of it!!

I dread Evie's feeds from my right boob, my nipple is cracked and has been for a couple of weeks now. I NEVER let any air get to them, so I get it's that!! :wall: Even nipple shields don't help that much tbh!

This thread has helped me no end too, thanks Nic!! :hug: xxx

Aw bless you! :hug: I'm currently sitting here with the left one out. It's so weird!
NickyB said:
dannii87 said:
Nicky, we're at the same stage of BFing our LOs and also feeling the same by the sounds of it!!

I dread Evie's feeds from my right boob, my nipple is cracked and has been for a couple of weeks now. I NEVER let any air get to them, so I get it's that!! :wall: Even nipple shields don't help that much tbh!

This thread has helped me no end too, thanks Nic!! :hug: xxx

Aw bless you! :hug: I'm currently sitting here with the left one out. It's so weird!
I've got both out while watching TV :lol:

How are they feeling today? x
Oh, the pictures in my head now! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

You're doing a grand job, girls xxxx
Loads better thanks, when I found the crack the pain was immense and I thought it'd have to be like that until it healed. I was so nervous! I'm super careful how we latch but it's actually ok.

Lansinoh has been a major help!

You sound like you're doing great, just commented (just about as I'm presently one-handed) on your other thread.

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