Nightmare day


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2011
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Jax has been a nightmare today. He started off great, slept till 7am (both boys did, it was bliss). I put him down for his nap as usual around 9.30am but he woke up after about 30mins. I can usually resettle him but this morning there was no chance. Then I fed him and tried to put him down for his next nap around midday and he had his milk fine but then went mental when I tried to get him to sleep. He had been sooooo grumpy all day and I'm sure it was because he was just really tired but he was just fighting it so bad. He didn't want to be left to go to sleep, he didn't want to be cuddled. I feel so tired and drained now.

He's gone to bed now (has been asleep since 6.45pm), but he's already woken once, at about 7.45pm so I'm praying he sleeps ok tonight and doesn't keep waking me all night!

I don't think he's teething or anything as his cheeks aren't red and he's not dribling or anything anymore than usual.

No need to reply, I just needed to vent as dh is working late tonight x

Mummy to two beautiful boys; Lennon born 5th March 2006 and Jax born 24th October 2011 :) <3
I know how you feel. Joshua has been the same all day today. So frustrating and upsetting cos you know they are tired yet they fight it. Joshua used to sleep for 2 hours straight but now I'd be lucky if he went half an hour. :-( x
I know how you feel. Joshua has been the same all day today. So frustrating and upsetting cos you know they are tired yet they fight it. Joshua used to sleep for 2 hours straight but now I'd be lucky if he went half an hour. :-( x

Sorry you've had the same hun. It's exhausting!

I couldn't even try the pick up put down technique as holding him didn't stop him crying, he just cried and cried and cried until I sat him up!

Mummy to two beautiful boys; Lennon born 5th March 2006 and Jax born 24th October 2011 :) <3
Will seems to have a day like this every 3 wks or so it's hard work! X
B had a turn this evening on and off for a good hour or 2. Hope you're ok and lo has a settled night.xx

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