Night waking 3am, 5am, 7am


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2008
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What is that all about? Does anyone else have this?

Teddy is managing to go from around 10/11pm-3 am ( CANT BELEIVE IT!) but then wakes either hourly from 3am till we get up or every 2 hourly. Its not really for feeding as he has a long feed at 3am. Its not for a changed bum or too hot/cold or what is it lol?! I try giving him a dummy but he has gone off dummies during the night :think: the only way i can get in back down is putting on the boob, he sucks for about 5 minutes then hes out like a light. I pop him in the cot then an hour/2 hours later WAAAA WAAA!

Its the only time of the day he is like this...any ideas?
If he's not hungry i'd say its just a learnt habit - maybe try the pick up / put down method ?
Last night (trust me Im shocked) she slept from 11.30-8.30 with a 5 am feed :shock:

BUT, she did wake at 2.30am....aparently hungry, I go downstairs, make a bottle, come back up and shes asleep again!
I think a lot of it is habit, especially as at her 5am feed she only took 2ozs :roll:

Islas the same with the dummy, Im in and out of bed putting it back its not that she wants...shes dry, warm, winded, but still wakes up through night randomly for a small feed :wall:

Im gonna try pick/put down tonight, coz as we had a relatively good sleep, I KNOW tonight Im in for 1-2 hourly wake ups!
Thanks girls i will be trying this tonight/tomorrow morning! He never used to have a problem getting himself back to sleep so i cant see it being a problem (hopefully!!!)

Donna, glad to hear Isla is giving some well deserved kip!! :hug:
Thanks girls i will be trying this tonight/tomorrow morning! He never used to have a problem getting himself back to sleep so i cant see it being a problem (hopefully!!!)

Donna, glad to hear Isla is giving some well deserved kip!! :hug:
we achieved 9.30-8 with Kai only waking once @ 4am!! :shock:

normally though he has a feed every 2 hours after 12 :bored: Kai seems to get like this around 5am, not actually wanting anything in particular, but just continuing to whinge and will continue for about an hour and a half.. I don't know maybe he thinks its time to get up! or could it teething maybe as he wants to use the boob to comfort suck to help him with this discomfort?
poochielove said:
Thanks girls i will be trying this tonight/tomorrow morning! He never used to have a problem getting himself back to sleep so i cant see it being a problem (hopefully!!!)

Is he getting his full allowance through the daytime to be able to go without for longer at night ??
I ask this, as another thing we do with Josh is fill him up in the evening - so whereas he will go 3-4 hours during the day, i tend to give 2 feeds close together in the evening and he'll go longer at night (i.e. usually feed 6:30am, 10am, 1pm, 4pm, 6pm & 8pm, then he's extra sleepy and goes off to bed. We know he goes to at least 1am in the morning then without a feed so if he DOES wakes up, we give him his dummy, or wind him ,then put him back to bed to get himself back off to sleep. Sometimes if he's unsettled i'll stand in his room just so he calms down knowing i'm there, then i sneak off when he's falling to sleep.

Give it a go hun - i'd say if it IS a habit, then you may have 3-4 days of hard nights while he gets used to not snacking through the night but it will be worth it.

Let us know how you get on :hug:

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