Night time routine/feeding


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2006
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Just wondering if this seems "normal". I know all babies are different we have a hungry girl just wondering if this seems ok

Bottle 6.30-7p.m then bed
She wakes between 11-12 screaming for a bottle.
Wakes 3.00-4.30 screaming for bottle

The problem after this is that she goes to sleep for about 30-40 mins then wakes up like she is in pain with trapped wind and screams for 30-60 mins to so by the time she has settled its time for her morning feed so i am exhausted. We are using infacol, gripe water and trying Dr Brown bottles.

DOes it seem normal to wake fir the middle of night feed 3-4 hours after the previous feed?
Hiya nikki :wave:
Ava has terrible wind/colic much worse at night / late evenings, tried detinox infacol and gripe water, but none work! went and saw my g.p as it was getting so bad she was screaming from 9-12pm constant and she prescribed colief i add two drops to her milk when i make up her bottles and its worked so well, she still gets wind but she dont scream in the evenings!
Ava has her bottles 8-8.30pm
then 4am then i get up with her at 7am! seems to have really settled her, wheres before she was waking every hour during the night taking a tiny bit, getting wind then screaming till she fell back to sleep!
p.s its avalible off prescription but its £10ish for a 7ml bottle :shock:
This is very normal at that age. We used to dreamfeed Ellie. Give her a feed at 11:30 (4hrs after her last feed before bed). Until she dropped the 3:30 feed, I gave her a nappy change to make sure she woke up properly. Then let her wake for the next feed. Typically about 3:30. She had the same problem settling afterwards as she suffered from colic. The only consilation I can give you is that she dropped that 3:30 am feed at just under 8wks, which was a god send!

Also make sure you feed reguarly during the day (we did every 3hrs as a max time between daytime feeds, though it was often less that every 3hrs) to make sure they get enough feed in 24hrs so that they are able to drop the night time feeds.
thats pretty good feeding times i think, freya is excatly the same and over 3 months old. it prob is colic and does gradually get better, i take it you wind her well after the feed? maybe wind half way through also..

Also, just a tip... the more relaxed they are the less air they take in so if she is screming for a bottle she is prob taking in loads of air first.. maybe get to her before she gets to that stage.... ?
thanks for yoyr replies :hug:
duds - i wind at least twice during the feed as well as after. It seems like its wind that she is trying to force out of her bottom end thats the problem, is this still colic? lso it seems strange that she only does this regularly after the 3am feed? Its just getting me down cos i cannot sleep witing for her to wake after 30 mins or so...
yes it is still colic, freya was the same from birth til about 5weeks old then it started to get get better. she always woke about 3am ish and was in real discomfort - i think it builds during the day.
I asked the doc about it and apparantly the infacol makes them pass it through the bottom end instead of top so it all builds in the lower part of the tummy/gut.

there isnt alot you can do as you seem to be doing all you can but i do recommend giving feeding her as she starts to stir at the 11/12pm feed, it might help....
if i stopped using infacol and just used gripe water do you think this would help if it causes wind to build up in tummy? :hug:
hi nikkif,

this does sound really similar to what my boy is going through now. hopefully it will get bettersoon. give the massage a try like mamichuli suggested on the other thread.

hope it gets better soon :hug:

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