Night terrors, go do one and leave my boy alone!


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2011
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Seriously been in tears as josh has just been screaming and crying in his sleep again. I had to pick him up as he was hysterical. He has woken up and still rather distressed. It's horrible. :-(
Oh dear, poor little man! Not nice, but they do say they arent aware of it. R u sure thats what it is? xx
He was asleep and screaming/crying. Not sure what else it could be. This isn't the first time. He has them fairly regularly. :-( xx
Sounds like it is! Im no expert but I think I read somewhere that if they happen at a set time every night then u should try and rouse them a little about 10-15mins before its due to happen. They happen coz its the brain getting confused between being awake and asleep as they go thru a certain stage of the sleep cycle. So I guess waking them a little brings them out of the sleep cycle and then they go off into it again without the night terror if that makes sense? Dunno where I read this- sorry, it might b for older kids but could b worth a go? (Obv dont want u to wake up ur LO and then spend forever getting him back off, but a gentle rub of his tummy or something might be enough to wake hime a little and stop it happening?) xx
Sadly that doesn't work. I can pick him up and he remains asleep and still having night terror. It's really horrible. It takes alot to wake him when he is in that state. No set pattern either sadly so I don't know when it's going to happen. :-( but thank you for the advice hun. I appreciate it.xx
Oh dear, sorry hun! Perhaps someone else might have a suggestion? Must be horrible for u xx
Aawwww hunny night terrors are so awful. I used to work with a fella who had had them since childhood. Found this link......

Although it centres on older babies/toddlers it might help. Maybe have a word with your gp if they continue or get more frequent etc and they can refer you to a sleep clinic xxxxxxxx
Oscar used to suffer terrible with night terrors, but at 18 months old he rarely suffers now. Maybe 1 every few months, if not longer!

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