nicotine cravings :(


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2008
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I'm hoping I'm not the only one experiencing this :wall:

I quit 8 weeks ago, as soon as I found out I was pregnant but I am still being plagued with the most intense cravings :cry: It' so tough, I feel incredibly frustrated and and like I'm going to go insane.

There is no way I would give in and risk harming my baby. Does anyone have any advice on how to cope with the cravings? Or any ideas on how long it takes to go away??


no advice really, it does get easier though, i smoked around 30 a day for 12 years but stopped 15 weeks ago. I feel better for it every day and I know its best for baby so that keeps me going, well done for quitting I know its hard but you can keep it up :hug: :cheer:
I still get cravings now, over a year after quitting, so I do know they can stay with you, its rubbish that they go within so many days as they didn't for me :roll: I don't have any magical advice, drinking water with a straw can help, brushing your teeth, but mainly just think of the money you've saved and the better off your LO is, that will keep you going, but very best wishes, I do know how hard it is :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug:
Promise it does get easier and after time you will think about it occassionally but it won't be as intense. My advice would be to remember the cravings only last a minute or so, so when you do get them them take some really deep breaths- really take in air down to your abdomen 4 or 5 times (or as long as you need it). Part of the appeal of having a cigarette is that among all the chemicals you also draw in oxygen (!) which does something to the brain- I'm sorry but my pregnancy brain is finding it hard to explain this properly! Take advantage of the fact you don't have to breathe in all the nasty stuff too and you should feel a bit better.
Well done by the way!
Thanks everyone for the tips and support. I'm feeling a lot better today, I'm pleased to report :) It just feels so stressful and like they're never going to go away. I'm pleased to hear it gets better!

C xxx

I struggled so much to quit smoking and finally done it 2 weeks ago with nicotine patches, they're not highly recommended in pregnancy but both my doc and health visitor said they're better than smoking and as I was finding it so difficult they adviced I went on a course of those. Perhaps you could try some sort of NRT such as the gum or something.

I am here from first tri, but I do have some advice. Hope you dont mind me jumping in here.

I was told by my dentist that when you give up smoking, you should have your teeth cleaned professionally, and this will help with the cravings. I think he said something about the nicotine being emitted from your gums every so often which causes cravings (something like that).

So if you are not afraid of the dentist too much, maybe you could go along for a cleaning. Apparently it works wonders!
I took myself out of situations where I would normally smoke for a few weeks. Quitting drinking helped a lot also. I don't even like the smell of it now.

On the downside I have seemed to replace fags with food which is not good for my expanding bum :lol: .

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