Spinach and rice - sounds horrible but is lovely
Kilo of spinach - washed and finely chopped
large bunch of spring onions - finely sliced
bunch of dill - finely chopped
cup of rice (dont know what metric is but a mug full)
olive oil
put approx 1/2 pint of olive oil in large pan (I only use 1/4 pint oil), fry onions and dill until soft, add spinach and stir, cook for a couple of mins, add 1 pint of water and continue to boil until spinach nearly cooked, add the rice, salt, pepper and another 1/2 pint of water, stir and then reduce heat, cover and cook, stirring occasionally until the rice is cooked and the water has all been absorped. if you wanted to you could add some tomatoes for further flavour
This is lovely with cheese grated on top when you serve. we're gonna have this tomorrow!