NHS Paretncraft Classes vs. NCT Antenatal Classes


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2008
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We've booked private NCT classes but have also signed up for the Parentcraft classes at the NHS maternity unit. Turns out the NHS class is on the next bank holiday and we were thinking of getting away for a couple of days.

My question is to anyone that has been to both....do they cover pretty much the same thing? If we are likely to miss out on something at the NHS class then we'll go.

As for the tour of the unit....if we don't go we are going to try and arrange one separately.


I didn't sign up for the NCT classes but a friend at work did and really rated them. TBH the sorts of things they covered I already knew about courtesy of PF. I found the NHS classes useless and had I have known before hand what they were like I wouldn't have wasted my time going. Again everything they covered I knew about from PF.

I would go and enjoy your break and not worry about the NHS classes.
Maternity unit tour that we took had to be in a block group (and they did limit how many people on it due to space etc). They arrange them one evening a week for 2 hours as it requires a member of staff and also you are shown wards etc, so its invading other peoples privacy (new mums and babies etc). I don't know if they would run a separate tour per se. Just ask you to attend the next group one. You've plenty of time to book in and have one before 37 weeks.

MW told me to just call the maternity unit and book it for whatever week suited us. We went when I was iirc 34 weeks. Some there were 36 weeks, others 30.

Never took NCT classes and only attended 2 of 6 of the NHS ones. Only breastfeeding and labour/pain relief were the ones I felt we needed to go to.
Parentcraft and NCT cover the same things- I really rated the NCT classes though- I learned a fair amount but knew lots already courtesy of PF- but the main advantage over the parent craft classes was that we saw the same couples week after week and it allowed us to build friendships and create a network for after baby arrived.
i only had the option of nhs parentcraft in my area, its one 3hr session, we went last week and i have to say it was brilliant and im really glad we went, i cant compare it though as like i said its all weve been to
Thanks for your help ladies.

We've cancelled the NHS class and just booked a show round tour for the 27th May. Ideal.

L xxxxx
Lisamj said:

We've booked private NCT classes but have also signed up for the Parentcraft classes at the NHS maternity unit. Turns out the NHS class is on the next bank holiday and we were thinking of getting away for a couple of days.

My question is to anyone that has been to both....do they cover pretty much the same thing? If we are likely to miss out on something at the NHS class then we'll go.

As for the tour of the unit....if we don't go we are going to try and arrange one separately.



I was wondering this too. We have booked up for NCT classes and the 3 hour NHS session, so wondering whether to bother with the NHS one if the same stuff will be covered in the NCT classes.
Moofa, 3 hours might be worth going to..... the only reason I was debating was because it's on the Bank Holiday Sunday and 9am - 4pm.

L xxx
First time around I found the NCT classes were good for making friends in the area as you're all having babes at the same time. Also good for the Dads to meet up too. Classes were very informative, but a lot of hands-on and 'bonding'-type activities in groups, which to begin with were a bit cringy, but once you know everyone it's ok. NHS classes were more like lectures and didn't get to know anyone from those. Depends what you prefer, but if it's your first baby I'd go for the NCT classes.
I didn't do parent craft ones, I did NCT. I really rate them. We were in a small friendly group of 6 couples and we have all become friends. The mums meet up weekly (sometimes more if going to a group together), the lads have all been out together too. We went mainly for the social aspect as most of the stuff they cover you will know from reading/forum, but worth doing.
Hope you enjoy your classes hun if they both cover the same things and you want to go away the same times as one is running then of course only go to the one
hope you have a good time away for the Bank hols :D

Is it just me are is kent the only place that NCT classes the ones you pay for??? :think:

i had a anti _natal classes though the NHS no parentcraft option and NCT classes where run by the mid wifes but cost between £90 to £120

so there was no contest took the free ones with the NHS

and i found all 4 classes excellent ive not had loads of time to reasearch the ins and outs of pregnancy birth what happens next extra so i found them very infomative :D
i didnt make any friends at them i agree :( is was more of a question and anwer session the i comfy get to know each other thing but i got what i needed from them :D

ive made friend who our mums though parenting coffee mornings and NETmums

sarah :wave:
geordie lass said:
Is it just me are is kent the only place that NCT classes the ones you pay for??? :think:

NCT classes you usually have to pay for. We looked into them but tbh I didn't feel the need for them. It would have been mostly to meet other Mums to be and I could not be arsed with the 40 minute drive each way for them on top of the cost :lol:

Some people can get reductions etc but I am not sure how you qualify for that.

Yeah the NCT classes are between £150-£170. I get Disability Living Allowance which wasn't listed as a benefit but I spoke to them and they agreed to consider it and charged me £50 which I was relieved about :cheer:

Yep, here in Bournemouth is £130 plus the voluntary donation.

i didnt do any of them 2 so cant help you sorry hun x
I did some run by the young mum mw as i was 16 x
i went to a 3 hour nhs one on saturday and it was excellent.Really worthwhile. Havent been to NCT ones but the nhs one was very good.

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