Next stage car seat ??


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2007
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What age was your LO when you stepped up to the next stage of car seat?

I'm asking because Baillie really seems to be growing out of her infant car seat - her legs really stick out the bottom!

Thanks in advance you guys!

Kim x x x
Been speaking about this on another thread. If it's her legs I wouldn't worry. We spoke to the HV about it as Becky's are already jammed up against the seat. It's if their head goes above the seat that you need to think about replacing it. Front facing seats really aren't suitable for babies under 9-10 months, depending on their upper body strength and head control. We're looking into car seats at the moment but will be keeping her rear facing until she well and truly outgrows the infant seat.
We have the same problem with the legs and already have the next stage one sitting here but not using it yet.

We are waiting until he's 9 months and over the weight for it :D
we had to get the next stage bc we had the mamas and papas primo viaggio and we literally couldn't fit aiden in it anymore :oops: we got stage 0+1 (i'm sure thats what it is) and basically it can still be fitted in as rear facing but can also turn around to forward face when you're ready :)

when he's forward facing we'll probs get a new one properly fitted but this one will do for now bc it's still rear facing, and the safest :)
lelands just outgrown his carrier but luckly grandma had a 0-4 so im using that still rear facing still his over the weight (13kg) and im hopefully getting the bebe confort axis
Oliver outgrew his infant carrier at about 7 months so we moved him into one that can face both ways. He's still rear-facing, although he's well over the weight limit to be able to forward face, and he'll stay that way for as long as possible. I wouldn't worry too much about her legs, but I'd make sure she has at least an inch of the carseat above her head for it to be as safe as possible.
We put Ella into hers today! :cheer: She is really long and the only way she could go in the old one, was to pull her right down so her head was low enough, which she hated. We went out this morning and she seemed very bemused by the whole thing!

She is over 20lbs and has been able to sit unaided for over 3 months so I was happy to move her.

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