newborn with a suspected cold


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2008
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hi my baby has a cough that sounds very flemmy and when he cries he just squeeks, he is of his milk only having 60mls (2onz) which is nothing to him he usually has 120 - 15omls he doest seem to have a temp..

should i get him to docs or am i been silly?
as wat can they do?
Grace had a cold and a rattly cough at 4 weeks old :(

I took her to the Doc's just to be on the safe side. It put my mind at rest that there wasn't anything seriously wrong. The Doctor said they're always happy to see a baby at any rate.

As for treatment I think all you can do is the saline drops in their nose, maybe some karvol on a tissue too?

I hope he's better soon, it's so miserable when they're poorly :hug:
I cant give you any answers but im in the same boat. Ollie is 2 weeks old today and is really snotty and was coughing last night. He has been really ratty the last couple of nights and i thought it was wind but looks like it was this cold coming out. Its horrible as you just cant explain anything to them. I have the HV coming round tomorrow anyway so will ask her. Hope your LO gets better soon,

Claire x
taken him to docs got some nose drops for him..
Connie had a cold at 2 weeks, was breathing funny at night and didn't know why so took her to a&e at 2.30am (yep, panicky new mum :oops: ) the next day she was snotty and it lasted for weeks so we all had very little sleep for ages.
Nathaniel has exactly this. Over the weekend he wasn't taken much milk at all and was sleeping loads but didnt have a temp. I took him to the docs and she said his cough had moved to his chest and prescribed him antibiotics. I would get him checked out hun x
yeah i got him checked luckily its not on his chest at moment...
doc said he has gatar (cant spell lol) at back of throat so he gave pescriptio for nose drops.
its bad tho because his little voice has gone too and i have hearing loss lol so i cant hear him when he cries
ok so now hes sick after his milk hes never been sick before is this part of the cold?
If he has catargh it maybe that which is causing him to be sick. Its such a worry isnt it? I think i may take Ollie to the docs tomorrow.

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