babies on inhalers


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2006
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my little baby had a cold when he was about a month old and has had a cough ever since. He has been three times to the doctors to check this out and the last time (today) he has been prescribed with an Atrovent inhaler.

2 weeks ago he came down with another cold and the cough has got really bad. Waking him at night, gagging as he coughs and sometimes being sick if he has just had a feed.

Doctor has notice some weezing in his chest this time and has said this could be a result from a viral infection such as the colds, or an allergy to formula milk.

I breast feed for first 5 months and have over the last two weeks gone to bottle feeding, still breastfeeding at night.

Anyone else have a baby using an inhaler or who have a milk intolerance.
Anyone else using SMA wysoy.

Sarah x
my youngest had bronchialitus as a baby and had to have a nebuhaler for 2 months, where you put this big plastic face mask on connected to what looks like a plastic cocktail shaker with the inhaler on the other end, and then you pump the inhaler and keep the mask on till they have breathed it all in. Dont know if thats the same thing?

I was gutted because I had quit smoking early on in my pregnancy and there was never any smoke around her, I guess it just happens sometimes :?

Shes fine now and has never had any chest problems since

Hope your little one is better soon, its probably just a temporary thing and he will soon be right as rain :hug:
my Braydon sounds like ur LO before they got him sorted out he was very bubbly waking more at nite for coughing gagging an dprojectile vomiting
my LO was diagoned as Lactose intolerant at about 3 months (he was formula fed) he was moved onto a cow and gate wysoy and was given no dairy throughout weening, he is 17ish months now and is completley cured (apart from fromage frais - he still cant eat that!) my advice would be take it slow when weaning and introduce dairy very slowly - look out for foods with hidden lactose ie whey and skimmed milk powders they appear a lot more often that you think! Hopefully this is not the case and you LO will make a full recovery with his cold. If not, get a referral to a poed dietician at your local hopsital as the health visitors dont seem to be clued up on it (in my area anyway)

good luck!

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