Newbie TTC


Feb 7, 2018
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I’ve been lurking here for a little while but thought I’d sign up and introduce myself :)
I’m 33 years old and Hubby and I don’t have any kids (yet - fingers crossed!) - we have been TTC since October.

I know it has only been a very short period of time to be trying, and I know that anything up to a year is perfectly normal, but I am finding the TWW to be harder and harder each time - especially as I find myself symptom spotting!

Does anyone have any hints and tips for getting through the TWW and stopping yourself obsessing over every detail?

I am finding it difficult as I don’t want to tell any friends/family that we’re trying (would much prefer to surprise everyone with happy news later down the line!) but also want to be able to talk about worries or fears or going stir crazy while we’re waiting - I’m hoping that’s where you guys can help!

Looking forward to getting to know you all :)

Em x
Welcome Em84

I’m no expert but yes very short time as with myself :) sure some of the ladies on here will be along to help soon x Is your partner taking any supplements at all?
Nice to meet you!! I am in the same boat as you, the anticipation is killing me. We haven't been trying for long, but that time in between is rough.

It is a pain in the butt to wait in between and then find out you started your period. It's frustrating and I haven't even been trying for as long as you!

My husband gave me great advice and that is to just enjoy life and tell yourself it's not the right time (even though it might be). If you sit and wait by the phone all day, it will never ring. Treat getting pregnant the same way. If you are busy enjoying your life and just having fun (and not obsessing), then when you least expect it, it will happen.

Good luck to you, hang in there! Keep tracking and having sexy time :-p and it will eventually happen. I heard a lot of people don't get pregnant in the first 6 months and even more in the first year. It's normal <3

Have you tried ovulation tests?


I’ve been lurking here for a little while but thought I’d sign up and introduce myself :)
I’m 33 years old and Hubby and I don’t have any kids (yet - fingers crossed!) - we have been TTC since October.

I know it has only been a very short period of time to be trying, and I know that anything up to a year is perfectly normal, but I am finding the TWW to be harder and harder each time - especially as I find myself symptom spotting!

Does anyone have any hints and tips for getting through the TWW and stopping yourself obsessing over every detail?

I am finding it difficult as I don’t want to tell any friends/family that we’re trying (would much prefer to surprise everyone with happy news later down the line!) but also want to be able to talk about worries or fears or going stir crazy while we’re waiting - I’m hoping that’s where you guys can help!

Looking forward to getting to know you all :)

Em x
hey welcome yes it does happen when you least expect it. We are TTC our second for 6 months no luck yet. When I found out I was pregnant with my first I was shocked, didn't expect it at all, I was going to the gym and just enjoying life. However as i am symptom spotting every month this time, I am not getting pregnant. I am trying to not to think about it but finding it impossible as I want it badly this time.
Hi Em884
I like you have been reading the forums for a while but have only joined today. In my 13th month of trying to conceive now and pretty fed up, currently in the so called TWW but I'm pretty sure I ovulate very late and think that might be my problem. Husband is going for SA next week and I've had 3 months of 21 day bloods done, which the receptionist has told me have all come back "normal" for progesterone, whatever that means. Waiting til we get results of SA to go back and see doctor to ask what's next.

What makes it worse is one of my best friends had her coil removed in October and boom she was pregnant straight away - pretty bitter pill to swallow when she told me last month. And brother in law's girlfriend gave birth just yesterday, oh and my DH's son (who is 23) has just announced his girlfriend is also pregnant. Seems everyone's capable except me unfortunately!! I think I would advise to not tell anyone about trying as we did and then now get asked the question by everyone all the time and then get the look of sympathy when you say that you're still trying. Everyone says try to forget about it, I was fine for the first 6 months but the longer it has gone on the worse I feel. :(
hey Wilson 13 months is a long time to go through ,I mean mine is only 6 and like you said it's getting worse and I am getting fed up. I also feel less excitement for our next fertile week as I know that no matter what I do it won't help. like taking vitamins, scheduling sex, if it's meant to be it will happen. I just want to get to a point where I don't care anymore but when I imagine seeing those 2 lines I can't help it. I am sure it will happen for you as I have friends that took 2 years to get pregnant. and my mum tried for 3 years for my sister so it will eventually happen. it's very annoying though isn't it especially when you hear people got pregnant within the first couple of months. My work friend just announced her pregnancy and she said she was expecting to try at least 6 months but happened within the first month of stopping the pill wow wow Thats luck right???
ah also another friend of mine that took 2 years to get pregnant with her first, she only had one unprotected sex and got pregnant with her second, she was soooooo shocked and upset as she wasn't ready yet, as she also has PCOS and never thought she could get pregnant with one time sex only.
I now really think it's all down to luck...
Hi ladies, thanks for the warm welcome :)

Alwayscoffee- I have tried OPK and BBT charting this month as I wanted to make sure I was ovulating - all looks good, but I think as I have been logging everyday that has made me more obsessive and made the wait seem longer. I think I may not bother next time and see if that is less stressful!

Wilson14 - that is tough, I&#8217;ll keep everything crossed for you :) I&#8217;ve found that anyone I know who has been pregnant in the last few years has always made a point of saying they got pregnant straight away, so I think in the back of my mind I assumed that we would too...

I also find that I am over researching and getting swamped with advice - should we be doing the deed just in my fertile window, every 2-3 days through the whole cycle, how long should hubby &#8216;recover&#8217; between tries? There is so much conflicting advice it&#8217;s impossible to know what to do for the best! *sigh*
how long should hubby ‘recover’ between tries? There is so much conflicting advice it’s impossible to know what to do for the best! *sigh*

My doctor told me for him to recover and restock for 2 days. :)

I've been trying since June last year but we had couple months ntnp before that that were just a bit gung ho. I am now past 12 months since having my coil removed so we are looking at starting the ball rolling with GP next month if still no joy.

Regarding 2ww distraction I have found best way. Keep having sex every couple of days or so right throughout your cycle if you can. I don't think there is any real proof that timings everything that I have seen following this forum. I think it's luck and pixie dust and just regular sex. Try to be as relaxed as you can. The months were I did opks and ramped up on timings the whole thing became too stressful. We back to trying to roll with it now...and I honestly think that's the best way x
A recovery period makes sense to me Two days is what I&#8217;m trying for but when It&#8217;s the right time we are going everyday.
Thanks for your message, yes it's really tough hearing and seeing all these babies around. I blame myself for not deciding I wanted a family sooner, I always said for years I didn't want children so I feel like now I'm being punished for being selfish and putting my career and marriage first.
Thanks Em884, same as, everyone always "seems" to get pregnant straight away and if I'd realised how hard it was I would have come off the pill long before I did! I feel like my clock's ticking and my husband has said he doesn't want to be a really old dad (he's 42 now) so I'm kind of running out of time!
Wilson14 I&#8217;m exactly the same - always said I wasn&#8217;t bothered about having babies, but over the past year or so it&#8217;s started to creep up on me! I&#8217;d been on the pill for so long as well that I worry that may have had an effect - since I came off my periods have been super short and very light so I&#8217;m worried that might not be good news. How old are you if you don&#8217;t mind me asking? I&#8217;m lucky that my hubby is only a year older than me...
I'm 32, like you I was on the pill for a LONG time - 15 years in fact. My cycle has been a bit messed up since I came off the pill. At first it was regular like 30-33 days, then I had two cycles that were 47 and 43 days and now seem to have settled back down to between 30-33, so I'm hoping that's a good sign. AF arrived yesterday so I'm feeling really rubbish today. Pretty convinced I have a luteal phase defect as my OPKs were coming up positive CD 23 which was just 8 days ago. Husband has SA on Wednesday which we should get results for early next week so I'm hoping possibly in a week or so time I will have some answers as to what the problem is.
I'm 32, like you I was on the pill for a LONG time - 15 years in fact. My cycle has been a bit messed up since I came off the pill. At first it was regular like 30-33 days, then I had two cycles that were 47 and 43 days and now seem to have settled back down to between 30-33, so I'm hoping that's a good sign.

This has made me question my ttc journey, I was on the pill for 10 years came off it in June, the last 6 months have been pretty regular between 30-33 days but this month I'm currently on cd43 and tests are negative. Still hoping for good news as AF hadn't arrived yet but just proves all those hormones can't be good for you.
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Yes I came off the pill in January 2017, my first 6 months were fine then July (well August) suddenly a 47 day cycle - was quite disheartening as I really believed I must be pregnant but unfortunately I wasn't, it was followed by 43 day cycle so infact last year I only had 11 out of 12 cycles so slightly less chance.
@Wilson what contraceptive pill were you on if you don't mind me asking?
This is what I&#8217;m worried about - I was on microgynon for around 15 years, came off in September and so far have been fairly regular (29-31 day cycles) but very short and light periods. (There&#8217;s another thread I started about that, so sorry for repeating myself!) I know they say it can take 6 months for your cycle to get back to normal, but now I&#8217;m worried it&#8217;s about to go haywire!

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