newbie/ spotting/ transvaginal scan


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2011
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I am new to this forum!
i am currently around 5 weeks pregnant, i found out last saturday and since then i began to suffer from cramps and spotting. This spotting has varied from brown to red.
I went to my doctors who advised i went to the emergency gynea unit and once there they took my blood, they repeated this in 48 hrs and i was told it went from mind 500's to 1159. They want me to go back tomorrow for another blood test and then i will possibly be having a transvaginal scan early next week. Has anyone had one of these done? i am a little worried as i have never had any kind of invasive procedure done before. Do they let you insert the probe yourself?
has anyone had similar problems to me at all?
the cramps have now stopped and the bleeding only tends to be after wiping when i go for a wee.
thanks in advance
one worried mummy (hopefully) to be
The scan can be slightly uncomfortable but it is not painful in my experience - the doctor inserted mine - I had one at 8 weeks - I did have some spotting at around the time I would of had my period at 4 weeks and after the scan at 8 weeks - the fact that your hormones have increased so much is a good sign - ps welcome to the forum :)
thank you for your response :) i hope that the spotting will calm down and that my blood test show the hormone has doubled once more on saturday! my poor hands are so sore from all the blood tests so far, i hate having them done it hurts and makes me cry sometimes haha am such a baby, but the hospital staff have been amazing so thats good at least! I hope it turns out i am having a normal healthy pregnancy and that everything is where it should be, but i guess i won't know until i have the scan....

p.s how do you get the pictures on your messages?
hi rosey hun, the internal scan didnt hurt at all, it was a little bit uncomfortable. The midwife has always done it the 4 times ive had this kind of scan. The first time i went with my last pregnancy i was soo nervous it was unbelievable!!! but just relax and it will be fine. i was very tense the first time because i was so nervous but that just made it even more uncomfortable. Let me know how you get ok....ive got my next scan 10th aug so fingers cross everything goes ok this time round xx
Hey I had one of those scans at 6 weeks and I think it just felt like a smear! Not sore just a little uncomfortable. You lie down with no pants or trousers on and they put paper towel to hide your modesty then you bend your knees so your feet are near your bottom then drop your knees apart just like with a smear. Hope all goes well hun xx

Eta - I doubt they will let you insert it yourself as they need to get it right up to the cervix and they know what they're doing hun, honestly it's nothing to worry about.

Also I had excruciating cramps where I was doubled over on the floor in pain hence the early scan but all was fine! Unsure why I had the pains, no bleeding though xx

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thanks for that guys, i have never had a smell so i have no idea at all, i go on tuesday as my levels have doubled again and are around 2444 and i am 5 weeks and 2 days so i hope thats good :)
I guess you meant smear :) glad all is ok!xx

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