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Jul 17, 2011
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Well my partner and I have been talking and have decided that we would like to get married in a few years. I'd quite like to have children first (I know it might seem the wrong way round but we're in a good stable relationship). So we're sort of not being very careful.

So I guess we're ntnp until we're in a better situation. The wait to really start is killing me though, we don't even have a date set for when we want to start! Sorry for the rant, I just thought I'd introduce myself. Is anyone in the same situation?!
Hello, welcome and good luck. There are lots of ladies in your position who can offer some fab advice xxx
Hi, I'm new here too!

My husband and I decided that we were going to start trying once we got married...honeymoon baby! But when the time got closer and closer it just felt too soon! A year later and we have decided to start trying next month.
The waiting is really hard, but it will soon come round quickly... just try and enjoy the alone time that you have with your partner. Are there any reasons why you're waiting to try?

Hey ladies :) Thanks for replying! I understand, it's a daunting prospect becoming a parent. I feel we're ready but I think we want to be 100% certain we're in a good stable position (financially mostly). We currently are in a good position however aren't too sure how long term that is. Also my other half feels there's no rush as we're quite young still :) xx
Hi :wave: Welcome xxxx

Me and OH are waiting to try for our 2nd. I wanna start asap, but OH wants to wait til this time nxt year, as a compromise I said when our LO is 1. My hurry is my age, gonna be 35 in January. Scared lol

There's always looooads of reasons why to wait trying, that's how come we didn't end up trying for our first til last year. OMG I wish we'd started sooner though coz now I wish we could have a whole brood. lol That's a total turnaround for me too!!

Welcome. :)

DH and I are going to start TTC in December. :) Although we've been a bit cheeky (impatient) this month and I now have my hopes up waaay to high!

PF is such a lovely friendly place. :) You'll soon be addicted!

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