Newbie! Can anyone help?


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2007
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Hello! I wondered if somebody could help, my partner and I are trying for a baby and have been for a few months. We haven't been trying so religiously this month, however I have started to get some symptoms such as sore nipples then sore breasts, urinating frequently, dizzyness and mild headaches. My period was due late last week, and on friday I started bleeding, not very heavy and the colour was light red/pink and stopped a few hours later. The same thing happened on Saturday and on Sunday. I'm now not bleeding atall and the symptoms are still very much there. Does this sound like an implantaion bleed, and how long after this type of bleed can you test? Any advice would be great!
i never had an implantation bleed but ur symptoms do sound like ur pg. hope u get ur bfp!
Yeah, all the symptoms seem to suggest I am but I just don't feel it. I keep thinking I should test, but then I put it off for a few days because I don't believe it! I did actually test about a week before my period was due, but it was a cheap Tesco one, and a faint + line did appear but it was after 10 minutes so it may have been an evaporation line. :(
hey hun the only way you will find out is if you test - good luck!!! :hug:
Go get yourself one of those clear blue digital tests, I refused to beleive it til I saw it spelled out for me!
Good luck!
Good luck hun. I got a BFN this morning with an Ebay cheapie but still no sign of AF. I think I'm going to get a clearblue digital if AF hasn't shown up by the weekend.
All your symptoms sound identical to mine when I was preggers.

Good luck and let us know xx

P.S - I had some false positives last month with clear blue, I think there is a dodgey batch about as a few people have had this. Go for another brand if I were you.
Oh well, took a test yesterday - BFN :( Still confused about bleeding, just during the day, and stops at night (Which is quite handy, actually!). Got a bit heavier today, so must be AF paying her monthly visit. Still have the symptoms, only mild though. Thanks for all your advice :hug:

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