New to this and looking for support


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2017
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Hi everyone

This is all brand new to me and I have been quite overwhelmed to discover that the 2ww and dreaded AF is totally heartbreaking.

We have been married 2 years in September and delayed starting to try for a while to get straight financially as well as I have a horse and keeping him fed doesn't help monies as much as pregnancy and riding don't mix! Lol

But finally decided we are ready, coil came out in Feb and have been waiting to try since then to get last ducks in a row. June was our first cycle TTC and I tried super hard not to get hopes up was still gutted when AF arrived last week.

So now AF has finished it is time for cycle 2! I have just been using an app to record AF so that shows estimated ovulation/fertile days. Really dont want to become too obsessed with watching every little detail but my God it's hard! Anyone else have the same struggle? Don't want DTD to become all too scientific just want to enjoy baby dancing but it's super hard.

Thanks for reading....just looking for similar ladies to chat to that feel my pain!

Good luck for July everyone! Xx
Hi everyone

This is all brand new to me and I have been quite overwhelmed to discover that the 2ww and dreaded AF is totally heartbreaking.

We have been married 2 years in September and delayed starting to try for a while to get straight financially as well as I have a horse and keeping him fed doesn't help monies as much as pregnancy and riding don't mix! Lol

But finally decided we are ready, coil came out in Feb and have been waiting to try since then to get last ducks in a row. June was our first cycle TTC and I tried super hard not to get hopes up was still gutted when AF arrived last week.

So now AF has finished it is time for cycle 2! I have just been using an app to record AF so that shows estimated ovulation/fertile days. Really dont want to become too obsessed with watching every little detail but my God it's hard! Anyone else have the same struggle? Don't want DTD to become all too scientific just want to enjoy baby dancing but it's super hard.

Thanks for reading....just looking for similar ladies to chat to that feel my pain!

Good luck for July everyone! Xx

Hi Nikki, fellow horsey lady here, 3 of my own and another 17 here on retirement livery with me.

I'm currently 4+5 and dealing with mild cramping and light bleeding so it's not looking good and yes, it is mindblowingly obsessive and a constant struggle to just try to carry on as normal.
This forum has been a great help to me so I hope it can do the same for you.

Wishing you lots of luck for this cycle xx
Hi, I think when you decide to give ttc the go ahead that before you know it you are obsessed! I understand your pain and frustration as Ive been there and am currently there again ttc baby no 2! It doesn't get easier. This forum is a life saver, honestly but at the moment just try and take each cycle as it comes. good luck and i hope you are not waiting for your bfp too long.

I am sad to say that my boy is going up for sale in the next month or so...promised hubby that when we got pregnant I would let him go as won't be able to give him the time he deserves. He is 8 and has his whole future to share with someone. So going to have to deal with the heartbreak of that whilst ttc. Hoping that get a bfp soon so that the sacrifice is worthwhile!

In the meantime time cramming in all the riding that I can! Xx
Hi, I think when you decide to give ttc the go ahead that before you know it you are obsessed! I understand your pain and frustration as Ive been there and am currently there again ttc baby no 2! It doesn't get easier. This forum is a life saver, honestly but at the moment just try and take each cycle as it comes. good luck and i hope you are not waiting for your bfp too long.

Thanks so much.....I always knew I wanted a family but the reality when you ve made that decision to try definitely changes everything. Going to try and keep it relaxed for a couple of months and just stick with AF app and see how we go then maybe try ovulation sticks or temp monitoring after that. Not really sure what is the most useful. Xx
Sorry to hear you will have to be giving up your boy, however if you won't have the time for him you are doing the right thing. I hope it doesn't take you long to get your BFP. xx
Ah, very hard decision to make, but the right one for you and him. I'm lucky to live on a farm so mine live out with the herd and don't care if they're ridden or not thankfully.

Wishing you the very best luck. Xx

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