Any hints and tips?


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2010
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I'm getting desperate now! I didnt want ttc to become too involved with testing, charting and temp taking. But I've got my OPKs today and got some Agnus Castus to help out af. I'm already taking multi vitamins, I've quit smoking and I cut out drinking for various reasons. I have a healthy sex life with DH and I dont want it to become just for having a baby. Its been 14 long months and I'm now willing to try anything! Has any one got any suggestions?
We've been trying for a year and we've started trying to do something different each month, even if it's just something simple like spicing things up in the bedroom. Last cycle we challenged ourselves to BD every other day and not to do the same position twice in a row. Silly little things that help to keep it fun.

Something else we did when it felt like it was getting a bit too involved was to stop charting and tracking CM and stuff and just see how it went. It didn't help us get pregnant, but it took some of the pressure and stress away and helped us to relax things a bit.

Is it worth making an appointment to see the doctor? I know some won't even consider seeing you until you've been trying X amount of time, but we're planning on going for a check up in the new year just to talk to the doctor and see that everything is okay. Even if it's too early for tests and things we're hoping she'll be able to give us some more hints and tips for things to try.

Good luck and hope you get your :bfp: soon. :)
Have you asked your doctor to do blood tests and a semenology? You need to get checked that you are both fertile, docs should do this if you have been 'properly' trying for more than a year (though our doctor said two years, so you might want to stretch the truth on that one).
I havent been to docs yet, I was going to wait til the new year but not sure if I can. Dont think there is anything wrong with DH as he already has a son. (as if it wasnt hard enough!) My doc is very understanding tho, she helped me out with my depression. I might talk to DH about it later x
Unfortunately having a child already doesnt mean he's still fine, but it does mean you will have more of a job on your hands to get him tested. So do start the process cos it's gonna take ages from start to finish. But focus on you. Do you eat enough fish? Several of us on here are trying Baby Asprin (a v small dose of aspirin everyday). Obviously folic acid every day is really important (though it wont help with conception it at least makes your hair and nails healthy!)

I totally understand why you dont want to start testing and charting etc, but do you actually know when you ovulate? It's really easy to work out the rough date and just make sure you have loads of bd then.

Otherwise it does sound like you are doing everything right x

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