New to the forum, 1st baby


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2012
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Hi everyone, I am new to the forum. We found out last week that we are expecting. I did 3 tests, all positve. From the dates I think I am around 6 weeks, I will be making an appointment with my GP tomorrow, haven't been able to yet because of the bank hoilday.

I am so excited, nervous, scared and overjoyed! Some days I feel pregnant, some days I dont. Its a very bizaar feeling. My OH is slowly coming round to the idea.

Can anyone help, when I see my GP, how long is it usually until I have a scan? Is it normal to be constantly worried about miscarrying? We have only told our close family, we plan to annonce properly after the first scan.

Thanks for reading x
Congrats :)
You'll have a scan around 12 weeks (if you're in uk)
Yes, we all worry about mc, try to relax and enjoy xxx
Welcome to the forum!

Miscarriage is something we all think about and unfortunately unless you want I pay for a private scan you do have to wait until 12 weeks x
Welcome to the forum, congratulations on your pregnancy :D totally normal to worry about EVERYTHING :oooo: x
congrats - when the girls say worry about everything - its true. My current worry is smelly farts! xx
Huge congratulations and a big warm welcome :hug:
As the other ladies shave already said, it is totally normal to worry about everything, that's what is so great about here - you can talk to others that are going through the same thing as you.
I would book to see your GP within the next couple of weeks to get a referral for your antenatal care. Depending on your area I think you normally have a 'booking in' appointment with your midwife around 10 weeks (this is just where they get your details, family history etc) and then dating scan at 12 weeks.
Good Luck :):):)
Hello, welcome and congratulations!! I think I'd be more concerned if you weren't worrying lol! X
thank you so much for the replies, I have been worrying about everything. lol. I have already got a few books so have been reading up. Will I need to ask for an appointment with my doc or a nurse? I have a history of mental illness in the family, mum and nan with bipolar so I am fretting about have Post natel depsression. I only found out on Thursday, we have been trying, so I shoould be delighted, yet Im so moody, miserable and snappy. Today I have spent most of the day in bed feeling sorry for myself (nothing at all like me!) I am putting it down to the pregnancy hormones.

I have a feeling I am going to find this forum VERY useful, thank you for your replies. xx
Hi and welcome, I'm brand new just like you and didn't do a welcome post yet whoops!

But literally everything you have posted is the same as me, first baby, OH coming around to the idea, only told close family so far, been stuck waiting to book an appointment because of this bank holiday!!!

I also am constantly worried about miscarrying, especially as this is all so new to me, I think I'm probably about as far on as you, I'm definitely over 5 weeks. So nervous just hoping everything is going to be okay.
Welcome and congratulations xx

Im also in the same boat, 1st time and worried as hell about the possibility of miscarrying.. My ex however has not yet come around to the idea and has not spoken to me for nearly 2 weeks now!

I must say, I have been going through a really tough time and everyone on here has been sooo supportive it has helped me so much!

So welcome and enjoy xxxx
Congratulations! and welcome.

best advice I ever took was 'Just relax' every since I was told that I have stopped worrying about every little possible thing that I thought was wrong with me and the baby and now i'm just relaxing and it's so much easier on you both!

hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy xx
Hey! Welcome and congrats. Everyone on here is lovely and if you've any questions or worries everyone will help you as much as they can! Congrats again! Xxx
thanks again. I have just made an appointment with the nurse, Monday morning was the earliest they could fit me in. There was a 2 week wait to see the doc!
I had the most disturbing nightmare last night. There have been many since I found out.
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