i am new to forum


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2006
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hi there i am new on here but have been reading posts 4 a while, i am 11wks and 4 days pregnant with second baby. :D My son tyler is 3 yrs and 6months. This pregnancy is completely differnt to 1st, i feel really sick 24/7 and some days i am actually sick, it makes me feel so warn out. i have my scan on friday morning (17th march) and i am very anxious about it. I am a very slim person i only weigh 7 stone but i am showing quite a bit already,(dh is worried it is twins).

anyway hi again

awww hun not wanting to freak but wen i was PG with my twins i showed early and it was twins i think somepeople get alot of waters early tho
Congratulations, by the sounds of it with all your symptoms it could be twins :shock: Look forward to seeing your scan pictures xxx
good luck and don't keep us in suspense..... :D
I was really sick with this last pregnancy. Couldn't stand the sight of most foods and also felt ill all day - was worse at night. Good news, it'll pass!
Good luck with your scan!!! :wink:
Emilia xx
:lol: Welcome to the forum :lol:

Hope you have a happy and healthy 2nd pregnancy :lol:
congratulations to you on your 2nd pregnancy!!
i am on my 3rd :oops: & felt awful until only last week (ish) felt really ill almost like i had flu& the sight of food in supermarkets made me want to heave, i lost my appetite & lost weight due to it.
feel a lot better now, but still have my off times when i feel rough, eating something even a biscuit helps.
good luck! :D
thanks everyone for your warm welcomes. I will keep you all informed on the scan next week.

speak soon

hiya, welcome to the site.

and yes, Green Day do rock! :D
Hi Tracy and welcome!

I know just how you are feeling. I have been really sick 24/7 :( Today is the first day I have felt normal and I think it is down to vitamin B6 supplements I started taking yesterday morning. When I know for sure I am going to post the details but I have already posted on the "symptons please" site under "is anyone really cold" if you want to have a butchers. People keep telling me its only for the first trimester (I'm ony at 8 and a half weeks) but if this is true you will be blooming before you know it!

Wishing you a healthy pregnancy!

Katt x
congratulations!!!!! you could feel different this time because the baby is the oppisite sex to your first! and like you im skinny and i look very pg alerady but i think that on 2nd and 3rd pregnancies you are a bit more stretchy and things just poke out alot easier! let us know how you get on

love sarah

I'm also on my second pregnancy, but there is a big gap between them both. I was actually in maternity bottoms from 8 weeks :shock: and now I am in full maternity clothes at 14 weeks. I'm hoping that what Sarah is saying is true as I am secretly hoping for a girl this time!! :lol:
Congratulations and welcome. I was sick with my second after not having any with my first. It was an eye opener I can tell you but the sickness subsided at about 12-13 weeks and its been fine ever since.
Fingers crossed.

well my sickness seems to be subsiding so fingers crossed it will go all together soon. :D is it true though if u get sickness it means all is ok with the baby, cause i am so scared about my scan on friday that something will be wrong.
hun its completely normal to be scared for your scan im sure most of us on here were worried sick till we finally seen little bean on the scan as for the sickness it doesnt matter either way some ppl are lucky and dont get any symptoms at all try not to worry im sure all will be well for your scan xxxxxx

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