New to site-having an early pregnancy scan today


New Member
Jan 7, 2010
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Hi everyone, I've just joined this site today and have some questions for you all.

My last period was 16th November and on the 29th Nov my husband and I had unprotected sex----we have 2 children and didn't plan to have any more but we had been to a dinner party and had a few too many and ended up not using anything. The reason I am so sure of the date is because we always use condoms and I was terrified when I realised we hadn't used one.

My period was late and I didn't want to do a test as Christmas was coming up and I was really confused about the situation. I didn't feel pregnant and prayed I would come on. On the 22nd Dec I did, it was heavy and I bled for 5 days. I felt so relieved and didn't think anything else of the situation.

Last week however, I began to feel nauseous and extremely tired. My stomach felt different and because I already have 2 children-I recognised the signs.

I bought 2 pregnancy tests yesterday to put my mind at ease and they both came up positive! I went to the doctors last night - my first instinct is that I may have miscarried when I had my AF in Dec. but the doctor didn't think this was the case-he has booked me in for an Early Pregnancy Scan today to be sure.

I'm so confused and don't know what to think about this. If I am pregnant, I wouldn't consider terminating as we have no reason not to have another baby-we just decided we were happy with 2, but things do happen for a reason I guess. My gut instinct is that I may have miscarried and the HCG is still present in my urine - has anyone else had a period in the first months of pregnancy? Any help or advice would be great because although I am going for my scan today, I cannot stop thinking about what the result may be.

Thanks in advance.x
:wave: Welcome to the forum. :)

You could be right about the HCG still being in your system or you could have had a bleed without miscarrying. You may have had a twin pregnancy and lost one of the foetuses. There are a few different things that may have happened. Then main thing is you are getting a scan and you should have an answer by the end of the day :)

What time is your appointment? You will remember to update us wont you!
Hi There,

So this is what happened to me, well i was using condoms but i went for an early scan when i found as i was sure of dates and it came out i was 5 weeks and 2 days and only showed a sack, but to my dates i was 6 weeks. Anway i though well i might have had a missed miscarriage again, but the nausea as continued and the iredness, so i have another one on sunday which i will be 10 weeks and 2 days. So dont worry i think you will find out once you have the scan, exactly where you at and what is happening.
Hope things are clearer for you after your scan, welcome to the forum x
I can't answer about the bleeding but just wanted to say :wave: and welcome to the forum. xxx
Hi everyone, thank you for your responses. I have been for my scan and there was nothing to be seen. The doctor did an internal to rule out an ectopic pregnancy and she couldn't see anything there either. However, she wanted to exhaust every option so I have had some blood tests and will get the results tomorrow, then I will have to go back on Saturday for more bloods. She said it could have been a miscarriage, or I'm very early on in my pregnancy (which I am certain is not true as we didn't have intercourse at all in Dec due to me worrying about being pregnant!!!)

My only concern is that when I was pregnant with my 2nd child, I had an early pregnancy scan at 6 weeks and they found nothing for 3 weeks - I kept having to go back to the hospital as I was still getting positive pregnancy tests and it was showing in my blood, by the time I was 9-10 weeks, they found a baby which was such a relief then because I thought I was going mad!!! My dates were right and I was nearly 10 weeks pregnant. We joked that my child didn't want to found!! He still didn't at 42+3 weeks when they had to drag him out kicking and screaming!!!!!

So I'm apprehensive about today because I believe I would be 7 weeks pregnant if I am and I've had a similar experience in the past. I wish I could have gone to the hospital and just got a straight answer instead of still being in limbo!!!
Shame you still didn't get a definitive answer but at least the doctors are making sure that they'll try to see what is going on - and as you say, with your history, anything's possible! :hug:

:rofl: at the hidden baby though! And people say that it can't happen...well...of course it can!
Big big hugs hun
Hope the blood tests give you a definite answer - at least if your hCG levels are increasing you'll know something's happening
Hello and welcome. Hope you get the answers you need soon, keep us pdated.

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