New to MC.......... tri 2 wasnt to be this time xx


Active Member
Dec 16, 2008
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Sooooooooooooo sorry for the really long post but I'm needing to spill my feelings.........................

The shock & joy of getting my BFP on Dec 7th was the best thing ever (a year of TTC).

The staying quiet about it over the past 8 wks apart from close family & friends has been v difficult (xmas & new year a few key folk had to be told!!).

The cold turkey of no fags nor drink was ok over the past 8 wks was totally fine as I had such a good reason, I was as good as gold!! Albeit an unusual situation & one that my work buddies had picked up on! Many work folk had already surmised my condition. I gave up eveything IMMEDIATELY I got my BFP so am not going to blame myself for the loss. I was about to shout from the top of my voice this friday (12wk scan booked) but nature interviened on Monday.

To save time I copy below the email I sent to my close work buddies....... you get the general idea. I've today received a huge bunch of flowers from them which of course has reduced me to floods ...... but the glass is always half full & hopefully in a couple of months time it will be brimming once again.

Despite living in east london the hospital staff (both A&E & the EGU, emergency gynee unit) were amazing & I know I'll be well looked after with early scans etc next time round.

I look forward to being back in tri 1 within the next couple of months, & hopefully progressing to tri 2 & thereafter tri 3!!!

I was already too scared to even peek at tri three and the gory detail of labour - but having just experienced what I guess was labour pains with the MC I'm not so scared now.

May time roll on swiftly.

Hi Guys,

I think it best that I put those of you I’m close to in the picture re what’s being going on with me this week. I’ve never been good at secrets & a week long tummy ache with no further explanation just isn’t going to wash.

As some of you may have speculated I was pregnant and my 3 months would have been this Friday. Sadly it wasn’t to be and Monday I suffered a miscarriage. The GP sent me straight to the hospital and I lost it in between 2 scans. The first one showed the foetus (that wasn’t as developed as a 12wk should be) and the second scan sadly showed that it had escaped. I was then given 3 options to rid the rest of it (the sac and paraphernalia). Either sit & wait for my body to do it naturally (could take a week or a month so clearly not an option with Barca round the corner), or to book back in this week to have it expelled either by drug induction or surgery. Either way would have required a 24hr stay in hospital so I left on Monday afternoon deciding to make a decision what to do on Tues. Nature decided to intervene & all options were removed as by 3am Tues morning I was in such agony I couldn’t walk or stand. By 5am I was in A&E (on morphine and gas & air!!) and by lunchtime they’d managed to get me into the gynee ward and on the emergency surgery list (it had got stuck at the neck of my womb so needed to be removed with least delay!). So, after general anaesthetic and some scraping around yesterday afternoon it’s over. Physically I’ll be sore for a few days and advised to stay at home, emotionally I’m not sure it’s all really hit home yet.

I’d rather those who I’m close with know the full story & as I’m rubbish at keeping secrets & I’ll feel happier talking about it rather than keeping it all under my hat. The past couple of months being pregnant & having to stay quiet has been the toughest secret I’ve ever had to keep so in some ways even though the outcome is not a happy one I’m the type who will feel more comfortable being open about it all so that I can move on and put it behind me.

The positives of course are that at least I know I’m in full working order and of course I’ll be trying again once all better, and the other positive is that I can look forward to partying as I’m used to on my birthday in Barca with a few bottles of wine!!!

I’ll be staying on top of emails and am on the phone for the rest of this week if anyone needs me and will be back in the office early next week.

PS - one in four are apparently lost.

I know I'm not alone & welcome this forum.

A clear out of the barrels & back on the horse so to speak in some weeks time.

i'm so sorry for what you've been thru :hug: :hug:

its good that u can talk to ur buddies about it, i told everyone about my m/c and it was so much better for me for it to be out in the open. its nice when people are brave enough to ask if ur ok too and offer their condolences rather than avoiding speaking to u. its good that ur feeling positive- ur doing better than i was so soon after my loss and i wasnt anywhere near that far along- i found there were ups and downs for about 2 weeks before i could feel positive.

it'll be great for you if u can stay this positive, but dont feel bad nor defeated if huge grief suddenly hits you- we're all here to listen if u need a rant. u can PM me anytime (i can help with any emotional side altho not really the physical stuff coz i wasnt affected really as was so early) lots of hugs x x x x
im sorry again for your loss. your being so brave and ur an inspiration to everyone here. be prepared for ups and downs tho, the grieving process swings you in roundabouts, one thing is certain is that it gets easier with time. take each day as it comes. and be kind to yourself.
Thank you ladies :hug:

I have a mate that's been thro similar who's told me I'm to expect a HUGE come down over the next few days. The physical side was hard enough but the hormones of being pregnant then all of a sudden NOT will kick in over the next few days. I'm lucky enough that i dont have to worry too much about work & can stay on top of emails from home perfectly ok. Right now I'm in lick wound mode but feeling ok-ish.

Not sure about me being a positive inspiration on this forum - but you guys certainly are!!

It's sooooooooo nice to vent!! Thank you xxx

I'm sorry you had to go through this. Your letter was beautiful and honest and I'm glad that you wrote so openly to the people around you about what happened and what you needed . It might be a bit of a bumpy road ahead but it sounds like you have got such a balanced perspective and positive outlook that you will coming through a survivor. Things do get easier with time but your grief will follow its own path.

Come and visit in TTC when you're ready. XXX
I'm so sorry for your loss :hug: :hug: :hug: You seem to be handling it well so far, but your friend is right. Don't be surprised if the come down is hard. It was for me last year and I'm so glad I had such a good support group to help me through this.
Really sorry for you loss hon. Nothing can fill the void when you lose a pregnancy but it is true that time is a great healer. I am so glad you have people around you who you can talk to and who care about you. Get well soon :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh hun, i'm so sorry for your loss. It's such a traumatic time and you need to give yourself plenty of time to grieve and heal.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
3 days on & I’m not doing so good – I know this will take time but I’m just feeling soooooo low & tears are never far away. I can barely get out of my dressing gown & am wondering how on earth I’m going to be able to face work next week :cry: My tummy still feels really sore and the bruises on my arms from the drip etc are ugly (they buggered up my right arm vein, so had to use my left arm instead to give me matching bruises - scuse language) & it would have been my 12wk scan this morning :cry:

OH had treated us to a Wii Fit in an attempt to become a little more active throughout my pregnancy, it arrived yesterday and so far I can’t even be bothered to get it out of the box. My NHS prescription exemption certificate arrived today which now needs to be sent back and the sad reality is slowly sinking in that my pot tummy is sadly plain old fat rather than a healthy developing baby :cry:

I know I’m not alone and there others here suffering just as much if not more so with later MC’s – I just needed to get the above off my chest :cry: & here I know is as always is a welcome place to vent..........

Hopefully back to being a bit more positive next week.

Hugs to you all :hug:

I'm so so sorry, as common as this is we never expect to be here ourselves.
Be good to yourself and don't do to much, I've been in PJ's for a whole week and the last thing I feel like doing is getting dressed. but you know thats OK, i'm aloud to feel like this.

I had my EP 10 days ago and i've been living in my dressing gown, as the days have passed i am feeling better, but the tears flow everyday less and less.

So sorry to hear of your loss xx :hug:
Im so so sorry for your loss. All my love and thoughts are with you xxx

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