New to 3rd trimester!!!!


Sep 7, 2006
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Hi everyone! :wave:
I was 27 weeks yesterday with my third child so would like to join you all.
Also wanted to know if anyone else was suffering with leg cramps. They are a bit bad at night but seem to be getting worse in the daytime. The walk to collect my daughter from school in the afternoon is becoming more and more painful. My calves are so tight it is awkward to walk. Does anyone have any good tips for me as I find it so frustrating as walking is my main (ok I'll be honest only!) form of excercise.
Thanks for your help
Welcome Rachel,

I have been suffering bad cramps in my calves since 25 weeks and they haven't gone away. A gentle massage on the crampy area really helps using non scented oil, also try keeping your feet elevated on a stool or table when you are sitting down. I have heaps of pillows in bed to keep my legs and feet elevated on and find it does help.

Hello :wave: and welcome to 3rd tri :hug:

I havnt sufferd with leg cramps but have had them on the odd ocassion, I just make sure I have my legs elevated as they need to be higher than your waist, if its becoming a real problem tho I would talk to your midwife, she maybe able to help you :D
Hi, welcome to the third tri, it's exciting isn't it! :wave: :wave:

Only had probs with leg cramps in bed, and all you can really do is flex your feet up, toes pointing to head a few times until it goes. Sorry your having these more frequently, it's really sore. Check with your Dr and see if massage and a muscle relaxant cream like deep heat would help.

Bev x x
Thanks for all your replies and advice. I have noticed that if I walk a bit slower the cramps are not quite as bad. The trouble is I am one of those people who like to walk quite fast and find it frustrating that at the speed I have to go now old people will be overtaking me!!! :)
Welcome tot he 3rd Trimester! :cheer: Almost there!
Hi - I'm new in here too! Just got back from my 3d scan and found out "she" is a "he!"
Awful to admit but I wanted a boy - but was convinced he was a girl! So am really happy.... no doubt about it either - he's an absolute show off!
Only 11 weeks to go!!!
Hi and welcome to everyone else who is new to 3rd trimester!
tonic water is supposed to be good for cramps,ive started drinking it now as when i get cramps in pregnancy i get them in the night and i have to shoot out of bed :x

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