New theory


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2008
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For all of those people who tell me to just relax :x :x
To stop stressing and it will just happen :x :x :x
When I least expect it :x :x :x :x

Next three months...NO MORE MONITORS, NO OPK, NO TEMPS, NO MORE PEEING ON ANYTHING...we are just gonna "forget about it" whatever....We shall see what doing nothing does...since doing everything is not working!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

sorry to get all in a fuss gals...I just do not get it...monitors, preseed, B-6, EPO, BD every other can it not be a BFP??? :shock: :shock: :shock:
I'm a strong believer that everything happens at a time and a place for a reason, I understand how your feeling tho and I dont know if I will still be believing my own advice if I still haven't had a BFP at some time in the very near future but having a break from all the "effort" so to speak could do you the world of good..

I know it prob feels like yr giving up but your not, your just relaxing and not going through the "baby making routine" as you were!!

chine up love!!
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Hun, do you ovulate regularly? Has your husband been tested yet? I don't see whey it's not happening for you since you are doing the whole lot. :think:
Best of luck, hope you get BFP really soon :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh hun I dont know what to say to take away your frustrations, and cant even pretend to know what your going through.

Maybe what you are suggesting is right, give yourselves a month or 2 off, drink, have fun, take hot baths - you never know your luck!!

Failing that I would go and speak to the Dr if you havent already!

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi, we were the same, we have been TTc for over a year now. I was convinced something was wrong but i thought it was with me. OH joked it was not with him as he works out in the gym, hes fit, slim and eats quite healthily (though he does smoke and drink but drink only at weekends mainly) We went for tests and his sperm count is low. They said too low to conceive naturally. He's just turned 27 years old. For piece of mind maybe get him to take a test? My OH is now on pills and potions and we hope to conceive before we have to go down the IVF path. Good luck :hug:
My cycles are dead on 30 LH surge is detected pretty much on CD15. I usually feel my egg release. I get an ovary cramp only on one side for several hours usually CD16 or CD17...I know DH would be sooo disappointed if it were him...We decided if nothing happens in 3 more months, than he will go get his counts done.

I know it will happen when it is suppose to...I may just need to relax.

Thanks for the support. I hate to get all bunched up. It is just that when you want to it seems like forever and when you don't care or are trying to avoid it happens...sigh. :|
well all of the above worked for me, didnt think about ttc for a whole month, only bd 1 time, looks like it worked :) Its very lucky concidering my cycles were all over the place, i also have pco so if it worked for me it can work for you, we were ttc for 14 months aswell
From ... ption.html

The chances of conception vary by age. At your age, your odds of conception are about 25 percent each month. Here are the statistics:

Odds of getting pregnant in a given month, by age:
early 20s: up to 25 percent

late 20s and early 30s: up to 15 percent

late 30s: up to 10 percent

Number of women who achieve pregnancy within the first year of trying, by age:

early 20s: 94 percent

late 20s and early 30s: 70-85 percent

late 30s: 65-70 percent

Average number of months to conception, by age:

early 20s: 4-5 months

late 20s: 5-7 months

early 30s: 7-10 months

late 30s: 10-12 months

So, even doing everything "right" every month isn't a guarantee of getting pregnant, as you are sadly finding out. I think a few months "off" can't do any harm, as long as you continue to have an active and happy sex life.

If TTC is taking over your life and your relationship, getting back to just enjoying yourselves (and each other) is vital...

Good luck, and I hope you get your BFP very very soon,

Thanks to all of you.

Scotlass...that is great info. I guess for my age...34, I have a 70 percent chance first year and I should expect 7-10 sucks...good news is that I am not to that point for a little while yet....

a little hope for my day...thanks again. :angel: :hug:

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