New Surge Of Hormones?


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2007
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I'm feeling quite off today. I've felt sick since this morning, my boobs have been hurting slightly again, I've had a bad headache all day and I also have diarrhea and some crampy type stretching pains (ligament pains).

Do you reckon it's a new surge of hormones creeping in?

Everything had stopped for a while, now it seems it's all back with a vengeance!
I don't know about the hormones but have heard a lot of people say their symptoms have worn off about 8 weeks and then come back a few weeks later.

Hope you feel better soon :hug:
I reckon it is but every time I get these stretching/crampy feelings I worry LOL
It sounds very normal to me, but if you're worried, talk to your doc. :hug:
im having loads of cramps and stuff , it must all be moving in there !
I reckon so Gem! I think you and I are just copying one another through this pregnancy LMAO :hug:
its gonna be a race till the end aint it ! wonder if we shall pop same day , hope u stick around the forum so we find out !
Sorry just nosing in here :oops:

The placenta takes over from around 11/12 weeks, so it could well be the hormones.
I remember when I was coming up to 12 weeks I had really bad pains but it was only ligament pains
G3M said:
its gonna be a race till the end aint it ! wonder if we shall pop same day , hope u stick around the forum so we find out !

Course I will Gem! I intend to be here til the end. You better be too :D

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