New & scared


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Sep 4, 2011
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I'm very new to this but wanted to give it a go to try and make contact with women who are hopefully experiencing a similar pregnancy to myself.

I'll be 8 weeks pregnant on Wednesday (7th Sept) and have been experiencing all sorts of pregnancy symptoms since about 6 weeks. It started with the tiredness and then i began to get bad intigestion, this was bad enough as it limited me with the sort of things I could eat/drink, however, then came the nausea.......

I've not actually been sick but the constant feeling is driving me crazy! My sense of smell is now very strong and this makes my nausea worse. I've had some time off work as a result because i've struggled to actually do my job. I'm fighting to try and get back my positive thoughts, but i've felt so i'll these past few days that i've really started to get depressed. Most days I'm scared to get out of bed in the morning for fear of coping with the day ahead. I don't know how some women cope with morning sickness and continuing with their day to day lives, work, house work, etc. I don't even know how long this is going to continue for, I know everyone's different and some say it peaks at 9 weeks, but some says 12, some 16 and some have to cope throughout their entire pregnancy!! The thought that this could continue for that long makes me feel worse.

I realise that I'm focusing way too much on the negatives and I feel so guilty as I've been lucky enough to fall pregnant in the first place. I have to keep telling myself that this feeling will come to an end and I will start to be happy again. I just want to get in touch with other women who know what I'm going through and can perhaps give me some advice.

Thank you for reading x
Hi hunny, i just want to say congratulations on your pregnancy. Personally ive never experience morning sickness with any of mine luckily. but im sure theres plenty of women on here who can give you a few tips x x x
Just read your post and want to say I've been feeling the same. I thought I would find pregnancy easy and be 'blooming' but I have felt sick all day every day for 6 weeks now, I'm constantly tired, feel so unattractive because I've put on weight and am spotty and feel generally miserable. Like you I do feel grateful for conceiving so quickly but the thought of feeling like this throughout my pregnancy is awful. I want to feel happy and excited about it all but if I'm honest I just don't and I feel like guilty cos I know so many people would love to be in my position.
Its so good to know someone is feeling the same way as me, thank you.
Hey girls I have not exprienced morning sickness as still TTC but Iv read in pregnancy books etc that ginger is supposed to be helpful with morning sickness...the book i have says when you feel nauseous to try nibbling on a ginger biscuit....not sure if it works but i would think its worth a try????

congratulations and welcome :) xx

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