New Mummies....Whats Your Plans Now?


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2010
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Hi all new mummies!!

So....In January It will be a year since I got my BFP, for about 2 years before that all I thought about was having another. Making babies has been on my mind for so long im struggling to "look forward" to anything now.

So whats all your plans?? Whats gonna be keeping your mind busy (apart from your new babies)

I'm really looking forward to xmas & moving into a new house in Jan & starting to lose weight & get my body back in Jan, returning to work in summer next year. But it doesn't seem enough. It feels like all the excitement is gone now. Much as i'm looking forward to spending time with Kayden, I duno it feels wierd not to have something big to look forward to.

And my OH's best friend has informed me that we've made him & his OH so broody with having Kayden that they're starting to TTC. Duno just makes me feel jealous that my exciting journey has finished & theirs is just beginning.

Anyone else feeling the same?

Well my plans are to pay off my university loan and around august next year am planning to have another one.. Cant wait I wanted a little princess to complete the circle at the meantime. then wait till 30plus to have the third one
I kind of know what you mean. We were engaged for 7 years so always had a wedding to look forward to then got married in july 2010 and felt a bit flat after that so decided it was now or never to have a baby so there was all that anticipation every month til we got our BFP in Feb. Then it was baby this baby that and now it's a bit strange esp as those first few exciting weeks have gone now!

I really want another and soon, strange cos I was one of those non maternal never broody types and my DD was a happy surprise, I guess my clock is ticking! Not sure how long to wait though as I really need to finish at uni but if I leave it until I finish I'll be knocking on the door of 40. So hard to decide what to do at my age! I'm really not looking forward to finishing uni but I'd be a fool not to now and I'll have no future job prospects if I don't! Maybe I could be one of those hippy earth mothers with loads of lovely little kids running about instead! Not sure my hubby be happy with me not working though!
What have you been studying at uni Sarah?

By what you said your right, it would either need to be soonish or not at all to have another baby if your wanting to do your course, there would be no point in starting back then having to leave again to have another baby.

When I had my eldest I had a very difficult pregnancy & labour & struggled the first few weeks with BF'ing & just managing in general. I can hand on heart say I defo did not want another, wasn't broody at all. I was terrified of having sex incase I fell pregnant to the point that I would cry before & after & that was being on the pill & using condoms I was just so scared of falling pg again. It lasted for months & as the years went on being scared went away but just didn't want another...then when my eldest started skl I realised I did.

Me & OH have both said we made a mistake leaving a 7 1/2 year age gap between eldest & baby. They're never gona be able to play together. So if we decide to have another, it would need to be a 2/3/4 year age gap or not at all. Also taking into consideration that eldest LO will be leaving primary school the same year Kayden starts & i'll have to go through 7 years of the school run again with him & if we had a 7 year gap again it would be 21 constant years of doing the school run, how scary is that.

Plus, if for example I wait 3 years from now to have another, eldest will be a teenager & not exactly a child, so it wouldn't be like I had 3 kids to look after, she'd do everything for herself & it would only actually be the 2 if that makes sense, obviously the cost of having 3 is still there though.

I know what you mean!

I don't have any exciting plans, I can't even get excited about Christmas! It's so difficult to do shopping with the baby, and I don't have time to make cards or decorate properly, so I really don't feel christmassy this year...

My parents came to stay with us for 6 weeks, that was a big exciting thing, but now they are back home... The house seems very quiet now.

I have tickets to a concert in March, but now I have the baby I am not even sure I will be able to go - might need to resell them.

So what do I have to look forward to? Not much really, apart from watching my baby grow (can't wait for his first proper smile!), and going back to work next autumn (no idea who will be looking after George though!). I know what you mean about Christmas....but think about how good it will be next year & the years to follow!! Think how much more exciting your Christmases will be from now on with a baby/toddler/small child all excited. All their wee Christmas shows at nursery/school - making Christmas cakes & decorations together & decorating the tree & seeing santa.

littlemiss :)) I never thought about that! Yep, that does sound exciting :) I guess it will be like my own second childhood in a way. I like that idea!

Its just one of the perks of having kids, I love the build up to Christmas with wee ones.

My eldest LO is at the panto today & has a carol singing concert at the local park tomorrow - she'll be singing jingle bells & playing the triangle loool she's also had 2 Christmas parties so far which she loves getting dressed up for.

I can't wait till they are big enough to enjoy Christmas, I loved it with DD. I've been doing my shopping online getting round shops with a pram and between feeds is far too much stress!

Littlemiss - I'm studying architecture so not a short course and only partly qualified so can't practice as an architect until I finish it all! Might try and get pregnant to have next one between years so I would have 4 months off and 18 months between babies but these things never happen as you plan them!
I hadnt thought about the school runs lol! DD will start uni as Kynon starts school!
littlemiss thank you for giving me something to look forward to! I keep thinking about it and smiling :)
i know how you feel , Im a bit at a loss now . We have worked out that we actually cant aford for me to go back to work taking childcare into account . So Im at home with my two kiddies at the moment and at a loss . I might take on a course in September or do some distance learning . For now Im focusing on learning to drive and the girls .
Sorry to hear you cant go back to your job. Its shocking the price of child-care. I really wish they would do something about these nurseries & make them more affordable. After all, they're always on about getting ppl back to work

I know and they make is so difficult . I dont mind really as Im doing the mummy thing until the girls go to school but Im a bit lost ya know ?
Can't wait for Xmas, Lennon is so excited!

We're going to France in the New Year for a week with my DHs family which will be lovely.

I go back to work on the 2nd April which is a bit sad and scary but I did it with Lennon so I know I can do it again.

In June we have our first 'proper' family holiday on the West Coast of France and I can't wait! It will be fab!

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Tinytoes -what about some sort of course that you can do from home. or a part time course at your local college? night time or something. U can use ur ILA too, towards a course, some of them look ok! I was thinking of doing one...jst for something extra to do.

DW - im so jealous, your holidays sound great. I duno if we'll get away in 2012, was hoping to but we're moving house & i'm sure we can hold off til next year. Im back to work in Aug & dreading it too, but same as u...i had to do it before, eldest was 6 m/o when I went back to work. Kayden will be 10 m/o. Dreading the whole searching for nurseries thing again.

I know what you mean ladies, i cant wait for christmas (Adam is so excited) im looking forward to starting to run again, i go to see Olly Murs and the xfactor tour in Feb but nothing seems as exciting as have a baby.
Im back to work at the beginning of march, Elexia will only be 4 months old and im dreading it :( I love my job its just the thought of leaving her so tiny, i suppose im lucky though as my nan has offered to look after her for me :) x x
im just looking forward to christmas and new year, cant believe 3 months of my maternity leave has gone and some people go back after 6 months, i cannot imagine that :o cant believe chloe is over 9 weeks already and yeah funny to say but i do feel wow i would love to do this all again.

Next year is gonna be very full of stress, need to put flat on market move to a house before chloe is crawling and walking everywhere lol, and then the dilema of whether to go back to work or not as a single mom now , i dont wanna think of next year just pause now times going too quick! xxx
oh yeah and cannot believe its been like nearly a year since BFP where on earth has the time gone?!?!? xxx
LucyAnn, thats what i've been thinking about getting the BFP - I was thinking how me & OH were TTC this time last year & I duno it just felt quite nice & romantic in a way, I'm a total christmassy person so it made it even nicer in a sense - and now all that excitement is gone!!

My mum went back to work when my wee brother was only 3 months. And i've heard alot of shop workers only get 3 months.

I'm dreading going back too, i'll be thinking about him all day, wondering what he'll be doing. M2A thats defo good that your nan is looking after Elexia, she'll be spoilt rotten I bet. & at least u dont have to worry about leaving her with strangers & paying for the privilege. My OH might be working from home more in the summer so he could possibly do a bit of the childcare & a bit at nursery...fingers crossed.

I'll never forget those first few weeks at work after eldest LO - when she was 6 m/o she'd scream & scream when I left her in the nursery & i'd be walking to work with tears streaming down my face it upset me so much & i'd almost cry with relief when I seen her at end of day


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