new mum to be


Sep 18, 2010
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hi everyone, im jade from east midlands,
due to be a 1st time mum in feb next year, :dance:
im currently 18 weeks, and cant wish the time away quick enough for the little one to arrive,
me and my bf are so looking forward to our 20 weeks scan, where we can find out the sex, i guess you could say we've had a little jip from our family for choosing to find out the sex, now they all want to know aswell, lol, they wasted all that time moaning at us now they want to know aswell, bludy out folk for you.hehe.

i wouldnt say ive had an easy pregnancy up until now, but i wouldnt say it was hard either, hearing stories off friends and family about theirs.
i had the morning sickness, still very up and down with mood swings etc, but its nothing i cant deal with.

anyways thats enough about me, im glad i have other mums/mums to be to get advice from etc.
i think sites like these are wickid very insightful and great for a good old natter.:lol:
Heya, im a Jade 2, hope everything is ok =) This is a great forum, you will love it =) x x x
oh and congratulations lol, doh!! x x x x
Hi jade thank you, it seems like a good site. Can't wait to post news about my pregnancy and see how others are getting on.
welcome to the fourm
Iam due in jan
Hi, welcome and congratulations :flower: You will love it here x
hiya and welcome...congratulations too xxx
thanks guys, its a bit nerv rackin being a first timer, not knowing what to expect etc, but sites like these are really helpful and handy, got my 20 week scan next week, really cant wait for that and to see the little one again. yay!!!
thankx guys, and congrats to you too. im so excited, would never see myself being pregnant at all, its weird. all the bf can say is get used to it where having 5 more kids,lol, well i say aslong as this pregnancy goes fine theres nno problem i would like more kids. however if it doesnt i dont see myself going through with it again.

how many of you mums have had bad pregnancies but have gone on to having more children??

i think having kids is a blessing to both parents but do these men truly understand the pregnant life, by bf is very caring and understanding but sometimes i just feel like im talking or ranting at a brick wall, its like he switches off, and turns to the mode where they just agree with everything. arrrrr!!! i cant win.
Congratulations to you Jade on your pregnancy - good luck at your 20 week scan soon, such a nice long scan so you get to really see lots of baby - enjoy X

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