New and need some help please ..


New Member
Nov 9, 2011
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Hi im new to this so Il try my best! I stopped taking the pill a week ago for me and oh to ttc, Were not necessarily trying but just letting nature do its thing, Im not gonna use ovulation kits or anything like that but I am spotting now and ive never had spotting before because everythings always bang on time so is that normal? And do i expect my af the same time it was when I was on the pill? Any help and advice would be much appreciated

P.s I had my 7 day break then af then took 3 pills then decided to stop so wasnt reli half way through just 3 days into the new packet
It's probably just your body adjusting as the pill has to come out of your system.

I doubt if your cycles would be exactly the same but you never know.

It took 3 months for my body to get back to normal and fall pregnant but my friend fell the first month!

Hope this helps a bit and you get your bfp soon x
It's probably just your body adjusting as the pill has to come out of your system.

I doubt if your cycles would be exactly the same but you never know.

It took 3 months for my body to get back to normal and fall pregnant but my friend fell the first month!

Hope this helps a bit and you get your bfp soon x

Thankyou, Im so impatient its unreal! Il cross my fingers and hope for thes best :)
Don't worry hun I know the feeling!

Lots of bd and you'll get there!
hey hun, hope this helps, i came off my pill july...and my cycles have been alot longer than when i was on the pill, theyve been 36 days and 37 days, and if im on cd 30 something now and af hasnt come yet (tho could mean im pg, im testing on sat)

but i wouldnt worry yet as the pill does mess some girls cylces up initially.

remember your body has been artifically "hormoned" for the entire tome you were on the pill so it can take some time for your body to learn to ovulate again - hopefully you will be another lucky person who gets straight back into a normal rhythm very quickly - good luck!!
My first cycle off the pill reached CD37. I'm now on my second cycle and hoping that it will be a bit shorter this time. Good luck trying for your BFP. x
Hi sheeeps, good luck with getting your BFP quickly.
Hi sheeps I'm in same boat as you!
Fx for u just let ur body work it out x

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