New and need help please?


New Member
Apr 27, 2012
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Im new here and this is my first post! I need help so any advice would be lovely!?

I have a bit of a complicated history! I have endometriosis, I've had 8 ops for it now and lost my left ovary and tube :mad:

We managed to get our bfp on new years day this year, but unfortunately we had a mmc at 9 weeks followed by a ERPC in Feb. We then went on holiday to get away from it all and my consultant put me on the pill for 3 weeks so I wouldn't get my first af after mc on holiday! When I got back we stopped the pill and continued ttc!

I ov'd on cd16, which is late for me! But with everything that's gone on I don't know if thats ok or normal or what! I normally have cycles from 28-30 days and a normal LP of 14/15 days. But I don't know whats going on now!

I am poasaholic!!! Ans I have poas daily from about 9dpo :shhh: and several had what I would think were evaps, then one had a lovely pink line at 7 minutes yesterday!!! Then i've had lovely negatives since :wall2:

I am now 14dpo on cd30 and no sign of AF but no BFP.
Has anyone every got a bfp this late on? I can post a pic of the lovely pink line, but iv had lilly white ones since!

Sorry for long post, especially my first one! I feel little better for the rant actually!!!

Thanks Girls
are you sure you are 14dpo? how have you determiens the day you ovulated? anyways.... at 14dpo you shoudl have a + if you are pregnant but if you have miss calculted your ov dates you are still in with a chance, good luck.
I dont have any advice hun but just wanted to wish you luck lets hope you will get a bfp soon might but just be a shy one!!

Michelle. x
hopefully your bfp is shy xxx
fingers crossed for you hunnie xx
Hi Hunnyjan,

I also got my BFP on New years day. Best New Years day ever but we also lost it at 10 weeks. We have only started to try again this cycle. I wish you all the best and I send you as much baby dust as I can spare.

My first cycle after the MC we thought we had caught by accident. We had a few lines that looked positive but I got my AF a few days later. I think you just have to wait it out.

I've now just started my 2 week wait today. Time is going to drag for the next few weeks then the 8 after that.

Good luck I hope you get the result you want.
Are you sure of your ovulation dates? Going on the pill maybe has thrown you out of sync a little. I'm sorry to hear if your mc :( x

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