NEw and feeling low :(


May 1, 2012
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Hi everyone
I am 36 + 3 days pregnant and feeling really low and miserable. I have had little sleep last couple of weeks and serious heart burn. I also cannot switch of and relax and always have stuff racing through my mind. I don't like moaning and my husband has been great but just feel like he doesn't understand. Feel bad for feeling this way and is this normal? also what do you all do to relax and switch off. Hopefully will get some replies on here.

Thank you in advance
Hello and welcome sweetie! Sorry you are feeling so low. Is this your first baby? I'm 31 weeks with my 1st and it's pretty overwhelming. So much to do to get prepared! I would say what your feeling is least I hope so cos I feel it too!!

I find nice warm baths an some nice music helps me to relax. I also ended up going to see my gp about heartburn and he gave me some Omeprazole which is magic! I would recommend it

Hope you start to feel a bit better honey and again-welcome to PF! Everyone is lovely here xxx
Hey Hun ,

I suffered with bad heartburn while pregant the only thing that helped was tums tablets from SuperDrug they are really cheap I think about 1.60.
To relax I would just lay in bed and read. I hope u start feeling better soon xxxxx
Hi thanks katie and spammy. This is my first pregnancy I wouldn't change it for the world but just feeling restless all the time and not sure what to do with myself now I am on maternity leave. Thought I would love it but get frustrated that I can't switch off, nice to know that Its normal and not the only one going through it. would love to meet new people on here and you twp seem lovely hope we can stay in touch and keep each other going. Love Sarah
I'm not on maternity leave yet. Don't finish until the end of the month so it might be me in your shoes soon! I have so much to do when I finally finish I can see how it would be hard to switch off. Doesn't help that sleep is hard work anyway at this stage. Don't know about you but I'm either waking up to go for a wee or to move cos my hips hurt!!

Pregnancy is so much fun!!! Ha ha. Your definitely not alone hun and the girls on here will make you feel very welcome and very normal!!

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