New and can't wait !

Use opks this cycle so you can chart your most fertile days x
And your right about there's never a right time so many of my friends have said this to me recently xxx
Hii nice to see another new face here! :lol:

Hope you get job stuff sorted, cant give any advise on contraceptives etc after pill, i tried the pill a while and almost went loopy on any one they gave me...seems i dont cope well with the hormones...also explains why i turn into a sensitive nut job when pregnant haha! anyways waffle over. welcome and all the best. hope to chat to you more :)
You can get a pack of 5 opks for 2.99 in home bargains
basically get cheapest with most sticks
download ovulation app and test about 7 days after first day of next period
apparently a concentrated pee each afternoon is best
when the test line and control line is about the same youre good to go and get jiggy with it
you have a 12-24ish hour window to catch that egg x
Hi bookworm thanks I'm looking forward to chatting to lots more of you !! And thanks Gail for all your advice and tips so much to learn ! Lol xx
You'll become crazy obsessed in no time lol
best advice is relax and enjoy. The pressure of it can make it a chore x

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