Never felt so ugly :o(


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
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Hi all,

As if feeling physically crap isn't bad enough. I am now the most hideous looking i have ever been and its really getting me down :(

Firstly i keep running out of clothes. Everytime i go and buy something i have out grown it in a week! Most of my maternity stuff doesn't even fit anymore. I have loads of size 12 maternity clothes and i am struggling to stay comfy in those. And i cant seem to find a simple vest top that actually covers my belly! And i can't afford to buy alot of clothes as i'm skint! And i also have discovered i can only really wear black or white tops as i get hideous sweat marks!

My skin has been greasy and spotty all through my pregnancy but the heat seems to making it worse as my make up doesn't hide it. And also i have broken out in spots all over my chest and back. Not only can they be quite sore but i look like i have a rash!

And i have just found stretch marks on the top of my thighs! My belly already looks like a roads map even though i have been religiously putting cream or oil on twice a day. And if my clothes rub on them they get really sore and itchy!

I just feel like locking myself in the house for the next 8 weeks until peanut arrives. Poor Dp having to live witha n ugly troll
:cry: :cry:

Sorry to rant!

awwwwww hun, sorry to hear you are feeling this way :hug: :hug:

I can sympathise with you about the spots. ive been spotty since about new years. they have been very painful. at one point i looked like my face had been scaulded :( i have them on my back and chest too. i went to aquanatal yesyerday and i was the spottiest person there and there was no hiding them in my tankini.

have you tried dotty p's for vests? they do little maternity vests for £6.00 and i think next do 2 for £9.00 or something so not too bad.

hope you begin to feel better about yourself soon. and just remember its all for a good cause at the end of the day :hug: :hug: :hug:
ooh I do sympathise with you, I was also growing out my mat clothes and then my sis-in-law came to the rescue and she's sent me over all her summer maternity tops and a couple of pairs 3/4 lenght jeans. her 3rd baby is now 2 months old. THANK YOU, THANK YOU :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: aw in the same boat...actually this very moment im having a big tantrum as i have nothing to wear!!!!!!!!!!! :x :x :x :x :x xxxxxxxxxx :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
so sorry u feel like that, I was exactly like that 2 weeks ago. But I think the lovely weather and the maternity band I've got saved me and my wallet :oops: . Now I am wearing my old summer clothes and then I wear this maternity band underneath my top and it covers the BIG gap between my trousers and my top ( I can even leave my trousers undone and noone will notice , because the band covers all that, and it only cost
me £5 :wink: ) , I never really like the maternity clothes I got , it makes me look huge, but now I feel like my old self :D . few more weeks to go now, u will be back in shape and wearing all the nice clothes in no time!! :hug: :hug:
Hi Laura :hug: :hug:

I can totally sympathise with you, I think our hormones make us feel worse too than we actually look. I've had a healthy pregnancy but some really low emotional points.

Hope you feel better soon, maybe try one of those bands. Or do like I did and just cut the side elastic in my maternity trs when they got too small. Just tided me over until I got more. :hug: :hug:
I can completly relate hunnie... it can be very depressing. Ive had quite a few weeps in the last few weeks with the way i look.
Best advice i can give you is pamper your self, put a side an afternoon where you'll have a nice hot bath. Have a long soak - with extra bubbles. Moisturise all over, get your self some fake tan! - ive got the dove stuff and its really nice at just giving you a 'healthy glow' Then do ya hair and make up maybe your nails too - you'll feel soooo much better after just doing alittle bit of effort.

About the clothes. Im a tight arse (lmao) and really didnt wanna buy that much maternity clothes because i didnt really see the point - i''ll be out of it in a few weeks/months anyway - but that came to a head in the last month where i got so depressed wearing the same old trackie bottoms and hoodie (im not even a scally - its just the only things that would fit) That i went out and spent about £30 in MK1 (Mark one) - i got 3 'smock' dress/tops that look nice with jeans/leggins anything. I beleve PRIMARK is amazing for getting maternity clothes for so cheap too.

Also dye your hair! - i never dyed mine at all for the nine months but this week i just had to cos it looked a reck - i asked/researched about if it could do any harm to baby and the answer is NO! - theres justy a warning out for people who constantly dye there hair.

I feel better this week :) (with appearence anyway - body wise im so sore lol)

i hope you feel better soon hunnie :hug:
:hug: i really sympathise with u i felt miserable about my appearance last week- i was a size 6 before and all my clothes look like doll's clothes to me now- i was living in manky pyjamas and felt minging. it REALLY helps to go out and buy cheap but pretty clothes (dont bother with maternity, i just bought size 16 stuff!), and highlight your hair, and wear some eye-make-up (even if ur in the house alone!) it makes u feel so much better. honestly! i've felt rather fab this week! give it a go. :)
Sorry to read you are fed up with your appearance Laura. :hug: I agree with the other ladies in that it seems a little pampering (and a shopping) session are in order. There's probably loads you can do at home without spending if you don't want. I sorted through a cupboard last week and found a couple of face packs which I'd forgotten about. So I had an afternoon of self indulgence and even painted my toenails! :D

Matalan and Primark are great for cheap Summer stuff and they do bigger sizes and those smocky style tops which work for maternity wear. Other than that maybe Ebay could provide you with a few cheap alternatives just to tide you over?

Hope you are feeling more *glowing* soon. At least you now have the end in sight... :D

Now I don't know why, I've never met you, seen a photo of you or what ever but you know how you just think of someone you don't know (usually MSN or forum people etc) and just presume they might have red hair, or that you imagine them with glasses or that you think they are really tall etc...usually always wrong! But anyway I've always just thought you'd be ever so pretty so nope I don't think you could be pot ugly pre/during or post pregnancy, spots etc come and go but you'll always be pretty!! :hug:

Sorry your feeling this way hun :hug: I constantly feel like this have nothing to wear, and feel horride about stretch marks and how my body looks. Also my nice hair aint so nice looking anymore , i spend most my days having a fit and Bernie looks at me like im nuts.
Dont really have any suggestions but im sureonce LO comes you will feel much better
ah hun..

i don't know what to say really other then cheer up

na that didn't work did it??

i feel lkie this to, i really can't wait to see the LO inside me that has made mummy in to a fat cow :lol:

but it true less then 8 weeks and it will all be over :hug:
Aw bless, you've all brought a tear to my eye, :D

Thanks for all the lovely messages you have all cheered me up!

I have just got in from town as it happens as i had to take back a pair of maternity trousers to dotty p's/ They were a size 12 but didn't fit :|

But i got 2 nice cropped pairs in a size 14 and two vests. And i feel alot better now. I also bought two hats in accesorise for days when i feel shit and want to hide away lol!

Me and my sis had a nice time and had a coffee and it was good. So i am cheered up quite a bit. Still spotty and uncomfy but at least i have a nice pair of trousers lol! And they weren't tooo expensive!

Thanks for the help everyone! :hug: :hug:

Oh i did nearly get run of the road by some bitch in a BMW on the way to town though! It was horrible, stupid woman!!!

Love Laura, her stretchmarks and her spots, lol! :lol:

imarzall, i've just seen ur pics in the bump pics sticky and u look very pretty! ur skin looks lovely and clear! :)

Yeah its cleverly applied make up!

I don't leave the house without it, lol!

But thanks anyway :hug:


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