never again


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2008
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i am never getting pregnant ever again, spent the last 3 days being sick non stop, i feel really rough today :( so tired too, i have no energy, i am so hungry but nothing stays down, oh well only another 30 weeks to go :lol:
louears said:
i am never getting pregnant ever again, spent the last 3 days being sick non stop, i feel really rough today :( so tired too, i have no energy, i am so hungry but nothing stays down, oh well only another 30 weeks to go :lol:

I was like this last week, couldn't eat, drink or do anything. It'll get better.

Then start again like mine has today. :cry:

I hope you feel better soon, I don't know what foods to suggest as I could keep nothing down at all. If it gets worse, see your doctor.

Aww its rubbish having morning sickness, I hope it passes for you soon :hug:
yup thats how i am up till about the 18th week.
none stop throwing up, and constant sickness.
its called hyperemesis cause i lost 2st.

but you say never again, ive done it 3 times now lol
Serendipity_ said:
louears said:
i am never getting pregnant ever again, spent the last 3 days being sick non stop, i feel really rough today :( so tired too, i have no energy, i am so hungry but nothing stays down, oh well only another 30 weeks to go :lol:

I was like this last week, couldn't eat, drink or do anything. It'll get better.

Then start again like mine has today. :cry:

I hope you feel better soon, I don't know what foods to suggest as I could keep nothing down at all. If it gets worse, see your doctor.

i remember seeing your post and hoping i didn't get that bad, if it carries on too long i will see my dr, but to be honest he is rubbish and i see my midwife on tuesday so will hold out til then, aww sorry yours has come back too, this sucks, lol, hope yours goes away again soon :hug:
Snuggle said:
Aww its rubbish having morning sickness, I hope it passes for you soon :hug:

yeah it is rubbish, i had the feeling of sickness for a good few weeks, i thought i was lucky, haha i thought wrong. i am sure it will pass, i hope so :hug:
*Star* said:
yup thats how i am up till about the 18th week.
none stop throwing up, and constant sickness.
its called hyperemesis cause i lost 2st.

but you say never again, ive done it 3 times now lol

aww no thats a long time to feel like this :( 3 times! your a very brave lady :rotfl: i swear i mean it, never ever again :rotfl:
Hope it passes for you soon :hug:

After my last pregnancy I said the same never again! When my midwife last visited me at home after I had Jess as she was leaving she turned round and said see you again in 2 years. I laughed and said yea right NEVER AGAIN! She was so right :D You probably will do it again you forget all these horrible bits hun xxxxxxx
I'm sorry you're suffering chick. If it's any consolation, you're not the only one... I'm fed up of feeling so hungry and not being able to eat... not the nicest thing in the world.

Hope you feel better soon :hug:
gems said:
Hope it passes for you soon :hug:

After my last pregnancy I said the same never again! When my midwife last visited me at home after I had Jess as she was leaving she turned round and said see you again in 2 years. I laughed and said yea right NEVER AGAIN! She was so right :D You probably will do it again you forget all these horrible bits hun xxxxxxx

yeah i don't really want to have just one, i think my little one deserves a play mate, but going through this all over again, we must be crazy!
Becc said:
I'm sorry you're suffering chick. If it's any consolation, you're not the only one... I'm fed up of feeling so hungry and not being able to eat... not the nicest thing in the world.

Hope you feel better soon :hug:

it is not nice at all, sorry you are suffering too, seems most of us are, i hope you feel better soon too :hug: :hug:
Manda&Thomas said:
:hug: :hug: :hug:
i hope it passes soon for you hun
Thanks, so do i :D i must say i feel a bit better now, not feeling too sick this minute :hug:
Louears I'm exactly the same hon. I was saying to my hubby earlier I can't imagine EVER doing this again. I really thought before I got preg that I would be able to handle the sickness. I never thought it would be this hard

Hopefully it will start to get better for us soon it's supposed to peak at 7-8 weeks

ejjie said:
Louears I'm exactly the same hon. I was saying to my hubby earlier I can't imagine EVER doing this again. I really thought before I got preg that I would be able to handle the sickness. I never thought it would be this hard

Hopefully it will start to get better for us soon it's supposed to peak at 7-8 weeks


i know isn't it hard work, yesterday i felt like i was about to die! I am sure we will feel better soon and it will all be worth it, it better be :rotfl:

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