Neve Elizabeth born 25th November 2006


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2005
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Right finally thought I would post my birth story...

Woke up at 9 on Friday 24th with cramps coming every 5 mins or so, (9 days overdue)went to loo and my waters had broke. Phoned up hossy and was told to come in to check waters and yes they had broken but was not in established labour so sent home. Still contracting every 5 mins which was pretty uncomfortable and phoned again after lunch but they still wouldnt have me in suggested paracetamol and bath (which didn't help) phoned again at tea time but still not lasting long enough! Finally phoned again at 8 and they said I could go in. Was 3-4 cm and asked what pain relief I wanted to which I replied anything and everything! Was given gas and air which nearly made me fall off my ball! Finally at 6am I was fully dilated and was told I could push and they told me I couldn't have the gas and air anymore :shock: wish they'd warned me about that as I would have asked for some other pain relief. To cut a long story short I was in agony in my back and I used to have problems with it as a teenager so I was resisting pushing aparently. I was asking for help but they said it would hurt more and I could do it but I was sure I couldn't!

They did get to one point where they put me in a theatre gown as they were starting to get worried as baby was in distress but eventually at 9:18 I pushed my baby girl into the world and boy did I scream! Most painful thing ever! She was put onto my chest but was grunting so they took her away to check her over. I had one more hug and then she was taken to scbu as her resps weren't great.

She was on cpap for a while (oxygen tubes up nose) and then oxygen in incubator and had to go on antibiotics for infection. She was on scbu for about 12 hours. They attempted to do a lumbar puncture (getting fluid from the spine) to check infection they tried 4 times :shock: but were unable to get the sample so it was decided she had to stay on antibiotics for 7 days so it was a long hossy stay that dragged and I had to take her down to scbu at 10 am and 10 pm for antibitoics every day and the nurses don't mind keeping you waiting!

But all home now and doing great apart from her having bad wind, will get some piccies sorted soon.

Good Luck to all waiting and well done to those who have done it!
Congratulations.......... can't wait to see some pics
congratulations on your little girl :hug: :hug: , what did she weigh? xxx
Awww, sorry to hear you had it a bit rough :hug:

Congrats and welcome to your little girl.
Big congrates

can't wait to see pics hope you are doing well.


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