

Nov 22, 2011
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Hey all,

Just creating a little home for me. :) My hubby and i have decided at long last to take the plunge and TTC... We already know that it will not be a straight forward journy for us, due to complications.

I have already had fertility tests, and been diagnised with PCOS. I think my record cycle was 190 days - saved me a fortune in sanitary wear :lol:

My Hubby has a lung condition, Sarcoidosis, and is on long time steroids so we think this will affect his little sperm :(

but, ever the optimist, we WILL get there.....
WELCOME!! 190days - holy moly! what is your plan - ttc naturally and see what happens or going down the more medical intervention route?
We will be doing artificial insemination with hubbies sperm at home, due to hubbys lung condition, but hospital have said that i can be prescribed clomid if i need it, due to pcos.

We have bought a few essentials from e-bay and the like, so will see how we get on. My next fertile time, i think will be during Christmas week, which is when i hope to be having my gallbladder removed, so it will be January realistically before we can really hope to conceive at the earliest.
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Lots of luck and baby dust to you hun! My friend is pregnant with her first and has PCOS as well so it's definitely doable :) xxx
awe good luck un fx you get ur good news in new year :) xxx
hey just wanted to say hi!
and good luck !!!!!
just a quick hello and wishing you all the luck in the world huni x x x x
good luck hope it wont b long before you get your BFP.

Michelle. x
Hi girls, thanks for all the well wishes. they are appreciated. Have been doing some reading up about moon stones, evening primrose oils and the like. I did see on the back of the packet for EPO that you should consult with a doctor before taking it.... Does anyone know why?

Not too sure what vitamins and etc to take, i know i need to take folic acid - any other suggestions?
Just one more question too - I an having to take strong painkillers (Tramodol) for my gallstones. These will not affect the ttc will they? Hopefully will only need to take them until after the op in December.
sorry cant help on either of these but if you go to search and search for EPO you should find quite a few threads on it as some ladies have found it beneficial. good luck
cheers all.

Still waiting for the :witch: to arrive, she was due this week. I know that i am not in for this month, as we got all the bits n bobs too late for us to try out. Just want her to arrive so we can get cracking... LOL
wishing all the luck in the world hun :) :)
Hi Walls :) welcome to the forum - i've only been here just over 2 weeks myself. I also health issues (though not the same as yours) so am thinking ttc is not gonna be a straightforward process for me either. Am waiting to have 21 day blood test to see if i'm ovulating, so fingers crossed for that... As for your questions, well, i'm taking EPO and I didn't consult my doc, but the thing i've learned about it is you should only take it until ovulation - just googled this
" Evening Primrose Oil should only be taken from menstruation (cycle day 1) to ovulation (around CD 14 or when you confirm ovulation has taken place by bbt charting / thermal shift), as EPO may cause uterine contractions. Since essential fatty acids are important, you can also use fish oils rich in Omega-3s or flax seed oil in place of Evening Primrose Oil after ovulation (during the luteal phase).

Also, i'm on various medications and my doctors have said it's ok to be on them while ttc, but i'll try to come off most of them when I get my BFP. Still, maybe best to speak to your doc about your painkillers....

As for other vits, well, it depends on your diet, but there aren't any other recommended ones, except maybe vit d. I take a normal multi vitamin but will probably change to a pregnancy multi vit when I get PG (hope fully soon!)

Also, my DH's brother has sarcoidis and is on long term steroids, but him and his wife now have a very healthy happy 1 year old.... :)

So, I hope this helped a bit and good luck with the op and all the other challenges you face... Hopefully ttc will be easier for both of us than we think it will be :) Keep us posted xx

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