nerve in back..


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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I keep getting a shooting pain on the right side of my lower back but really near my spine, whenever I put my right leg forward it goes off, was agony saturday but it keeps coming and going. My mum reckoned the baby was pressing it, but Im worried Ive damaged my back somehow, anyone else had this? Should I tell the doc or just keep active and hope it gets better?:roll:
i have not had this so i can not tell you what it could be. SORRY!
If its getting to you so much though i would call a doctor or go to the local walk in to see if they can tell you what it is.
The quicker you get answers the quicker it could possibly be fixed. :hug:
Sounds like sciatica. May be that the pregnancy has just inflamed a pre-existing condition or something?
I was going to say it sounds like sciatica too - one of my cousins had it prior to pregnancy but being pregnant made it loads worse. I would tell your doc, they might be able to help!
hmm okay. Ive never had it before. Just had my shower and when I lifted my left leg to get into bath my foot went numb and tingled, as soon as I put it down it went, definately think its something to do with nerves, its the other side from where the pain is though... not sure what to do for the best, might bug nhs direct later on. Waiting for hospital to phone with my glucose tollerance test results so dont want to use the phone yet. I think Ill use it as an excuse not to do the hoovering though! ;)
Yes! I have had really bad sciatica for the past week. Tell your mw - i am being referred for physio. Good luck - it's soooooooooooo painful. x
I like your style. Anything to get out of hoovering!! :D

Mention it to a midwife and they can get you referred to a pysio quicker than it would normally be!
just been googling and aparently pelvic girdle pain is often mistaken for sciatica in pregnancy. The website reckons you're no more likely to get sciatica when youre pregnant than otherwise and seeing as Ive never had this before I thought I was going mad. Then it had a bit about pelvic girdle pain so I clicked the link and the symptoms are mostly the same. Think Ill have to ring my midwife cos Im not seeing her for ages!
Last time I was pregnant I had SPD, admittedly, not til i was about 20 weeks, but it was really uncomfortable, so if it is something like that, *hugs*
think its a similar thing but in the back not the front of the pelvis. I think Im just gonna ring hospital now and find out my test results then ring the midwife.

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