Negative pregnancy test but positive ovulation test at 10dpo??


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2014
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Urrrghhh I am so confused!!

I did a left over ovulation test this morning as hubby can't remember where he put our pregnancy tests away before we went on holiday.

It came back with a strong positive.....

I then did a clear blue digital and it was a BFN!!

I have just done another ovulation test and it's positive!!

Could it be false negatives from the ovulation tests or the clear blue digital??

I am going to wait until tomorrow morning to do the other clear blue!!

It's made me very impatient lol!!

Any ideas?? I have attached the two ovulation tests the top one is from this morning about 11am and the second is from 16:35 this afternoon.
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Picture attached now :)

Any help would be wonderful xxxxx


  • 2015-10-03 16.55.43.jpg
    2015-10-03 16.55.43.jpg
    84.5 KB · Views: 48
Wow, they are very positive. I'm not too sure how much the opk as hcg test can be trusted, but clear blue may be a little too low in sensitivity for 10dpo. Fingers crossed you get your BFP in the next couple of days xx
Wow, they are very positive. I'm not too sure how much the opk as hcg test can be trusted, but clear blue may be a little too low in sensitivity for 10dpo. Fingers crossed you get your BFP in the next couple of days xx

Thank you so much for your reply!! I was so excited this morning and the clear blue totally killed my buzz!! I think I'm just super paranoid as I need to make an appointment with the pregnancy support dept at the hospital as I'm now classed as high risk with losing my right ovary last year.

Ill just need to keep trying :)
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OOh could you nip out and get a FRER?? I think looking at those OPKS you could get a BFP, digis aren't sensitive enough for 10dpo xxx
OOh could you nip out and get a FRER?? I think looking at those OPKS you could get a BFP, digis aren't sensitive enough for 10dpo xxx

Eeeekkk Clover what's a FRER???
It's a First Response Early Result test, they're pretty much the most sensitive tests you can get, they should have them in your local supermarket. Will be stalking for your bfp :) xx
I would buy another test too and save the clear blue. You could try super drug too xx
It does look like a good sign but its also possible you are just ovulating late this cycle.
It does look like a good sign but its also possible you are just ovulating late this cycle.

I wondered if it was that too but I have defo ovulated 10 days ago as had serious pain on my left side with positive ovulation test then and the pain I'm feeling at the moment is central??
It is possible to get a positive OPK when your body tries to ovulate and then fails so it tries again a bit later but I think it is also possible you are pregnant.
So I've woken up to EWCM?? Could I be ovulating this late into my cycle?? I'm CD 26 today??
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I just read your thread about everything you had been feeling.

I don't want to get your hopes up but...

I read that ovulation tests detect pregnancy earlier than preg tests, generally. You have lots of symptoms and EWCM is one of them. I think you are pregnant - please go get a FRER to confirm!!! Xxxx
I just read your thread about everything you had been feeling.

I don't want to get your hopes up but...

I read that ovulation tests detect pregnancy earlier than preg tests, generally. You have lots of symptoms and EWCM is one of them. I think you are pregnant - please go get a FRER to confirm!!! Xxxx

Hello, thanks for your reply, I think I'm going to hold off until Thursday as that's the day after when AF is due and would be gutted if I got a BFP then AF took it away which has happened before xxxx
I don't blame you honey, I would do the same and have had the same results with an OPK. My AF ended up being a few days late that month too so I guess it was a really early mc. Better if you don't know. X
So, I became impatient and did a FRER and an OPK today.

FRER negative!! Opk still positive but a fainter line??

I have EWCM and sore boobs, but currently on CD26.

Any ideas what could be going on??
Hmmm, that's strange. Do you think it could have been a very early chemical or didn't implant properly or something? Or possibly a really strange cycle where you are ovulating again really late! X
Having tested it out I can tell you OPKs do turn positive when you are pregnant but by the time you get a dark positive on an OPK you'd be getting a great line on a FRER too so it seems like there is another reason for your positive OPKs. I didn't get a positive on an OPK until a few days after I missed my period although it did get gradually darker before that. It seems quite likely you just ovulated late. Some women also get positive OPKs just before af.
Thanks for your help lovely ladies!! It's soooo frustrating. I'm having awful pains just now, it feels like someone is slowly blowing up a balloon in my womb :-(

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