Negative blood test & no AF (CD 39, 21 DPO) - Could I still be pregnant?????


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Apr 18, 2012
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Ugh!!! :( :( I FINALLY got a call from the doctor today about my blood results. My hcg was less than 1 which means I'm not pregnant. :wall2: This test was done on Tuesday of this week when I was on cd 36, 19 dpo.

Can I still be pregnant?? I'm currently on cd 39, 21 dpo. Still no af and no bfp on hpt. Help please!!! :/ :help:
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I just wanted to sympathise! I am on cd43 and 3 BFNs. I have given up hope that I am pregnant and think the witch is just playing games with me.
With negative bloods and bfns I'd say no, sorry.
I know the heartache of being late :hugs: x
Big hugs huni!!!

Sorry for the negs, they are normally right so it could just be the witch being a meany

I'm at cd43 too (same as you titch!) and still no sign if af :( I feel like I'm mid cycle now as my boobies are hurting and I'm cramping down below so I feel af is coming shortly.

Do you know if you defo ovulated this cycle? Maybe you haven't yet?

Hope the witch comes soon

Well ladies....... af finally reared her ugly head. :/ And it's with a vengeance. :witch::muaha:

Thanks for all of your support through this. I'll be back the next time I ovulate. :)

Best of luck to all of you!!!
I'm glad you finally know where you are at least you can plan for next cycle. When I was ttc 1st time round I had a 52 day cycle. Only once and there was no reason but it was horrible not knowing!

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