Needing CM advice


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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I was just wondering about EWCM. I know what it looks like, but when you are O are you supposed to have lots of EWCM? For example, I am expection to ovualte in the next 3 days. Yesterday and Today at different times at the loo I have noticed obviouse (REALLY OBVIOUS) EWCM, but other times (at the loo) my CM is more clear and watery. Is this normal? Is the detection of EWCM still valid even though is isn't constant throughout your day? :roll:
I am not an expert but I can tell you what I have found!!

I am currently at CD17, I have a cycle that lasts 33 days and I tend to O on day 18, however I tend to find that I have EWCM at least 2 days before I actually O. I noticed that I had EWCM on Wednesday, so that would have been CD15 and I noticed it again today when I went to the loo, CD17, today it was lots more obvious. Like you it is not constant throughout the day, but I guess it's valid cos it's there!!!

I hope that this helps you, just do what I am going to do ... bd like crazy over the weekend just to make sure that you get the right day!!!!!!
Lindsay said:
bd like crazy over the weekend just to make sure that you get the right day!!!!!!

Are you kidding?? I have been BDing like crazy all week! haha. I am determined! Thank you for your input. That is what I thought, but I just wanted to be sure. How long have you been ttc?
Hi there!

I have been ttc since July - so ages and ages!!!!

In about Jan / Feb time I was really down about it not happening, but now I take each month as it comes and hope for the best. I just think that it will happen when it happens. However, if it hasn't happened after I get back from my holiday in the summer I am going to visit the dr to see if there is something wrong. In the meantime I am just enjoying all the bding (as is my DH) :wink:

How long have you been ttc? Do you have any children already?

Sending you baby dust .xxx
I have a stepson whom I love very dearly. In fact he is part of the reason that my DH and I began ttc so soon (been married 1 year this July). When he has to go back to his mom's it leaves a huge void in our lives. We have been ttc for 10 months. I was really depressed about it resently also. My sister-in-law (who got married one month before me) just found out that she is pg. I have decided that come hell or highwater I WILL relax and enjoy my DH and stepson. Still BDing all the time though!! I really am thankful for finding this forum. It has been great help. Do you have any other children? How long have you been married? :)
I got married on 3rd July last year and have been ttc since then.

My DH bumped into a girl who I used to go to school with on Thursday and she is 6 months pg, it feels as though everyone else is getting PG apart from me!! I very naively thought that as soon as I stopped taking the contraceptive pill I would fall pg but it is proving to be a little more difficult.

I have noticed from your ticker that we have similar cd's, so we may find out together this month that we are pg - that would be cool!!

Sending you lots of baby dust
You want to know what is really cool? I got married July 3, 2004!!!! I couldn't believe that when I read your message!! I had to read again to make sure that I wasnt' reading my own message! If you got married at 2:00 I will trip out! Anyway, I know all about being discouraged. Have you read my post "so depressed?" I am starting to feel a little better though. I have officially entered the tww. I didn't use any OPK this time b/c they didn't get here in time, but they are coming. My BBT seems to jump around and it is hard to detect ovulation by it, so I just went by EWCM this time. Who knows, maybe this is my month. Keep in touch. :wink:
I did get married at 2pm - how spooky, cool though!!!!!!! My mum and dad got married on 3rd July too, which was part of the reason we chose the date. All the best people get married on 3rd July, lol :)

I haven't been using OPK for the past couple of months and have purely been going by EWCM too - I have some left in the cupboard in the bathroom so may use them again next month. I just thought to myself that if I stopped trying so hard it might just happen!

I had a heart to heart with my mum last night and I think I might go to the dr before I go on holiday. I have a week off work in couple of weeks so might make an appointment, suppose the sooner they start to test the sooner I will know if there is a serious reason why it hasn't happened for me. I talked about IVF with my DH too and he said that I can't have that and a conservatory on the house, lol !! He still has a sense of humour about it!!!! ;)

Take care xxx
ok this may seem like a really daft question but is it possible to ovulate without EWCM? I am very regular with a 29 day cycle, but do use ovulation strips to determine when I am fertile, just so I am sure we are BD at the right time. I have not yet had EWCM on any cycle! is this normal??? I do get LH detected on the ovulation strips as though everythings working fine. Has anyone else experienced this??????
Well, I have never experience the absence of EWCM, but I have had it even when I wasn't ovulating....I think that as long as the LH is detected then all should be fine. I am not for sure though b/c the EWCM is to help the sperm along....good luck getting a better answer. Sorry I can't help more. :roll:

From what I've read you can certainly ovulate without any EWCM. As Christie said, though, the EWCM are key to moving the sperm along into where they need to be to find the hatching egg! So, this could be something you want to discuss with your doctor. Some people claim that taking robitussin prior to ovulation (but not any other brand of cough syrup!) can increase EWCM--but I've also heard that that is an old wive's tale. But I suppose it can't hurt eh?

Good luck

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