Needing a rant....


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
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OH comes in from work about 3pm, I make something to eat then Zack me and him sit down to watch a DVD. Should point out that OH is living with his parents, just until the house is sorted ready for him to move in and plus which its less pressure because im a moody b**** at the moment. To be blunt. So OH spends a couple of days here and a couple of days at his parents.

Mother in law rings up during the DVD, I asked OH to put it on speaker phone, so I could hear what she was saying and I stayd silent (for the first time in my life lol) Basicly I was being nosey, because I know she doesnt like me, becauseim taking her little boy away from her (hes 21 this month)

Telephone convo......

Mother in law: Where are you? You havent been home.

OH: Im at Jo's house.

Mother in law: What you doing there?

OH: Watching a DVD with Jo and Zack.

Mother in law: You didnt tell me where you were going, you need to tell me because I get worried.

OH: Sorry mum, I will next time.

Mother in law: You should get home because im missing you

OH: I will be home soon, I want to spend sometime with Jo and Zack.

Mother in law: Is this what its going to be like when the babys born? Are you going to be spending all your time over at HER house.

OH: I'll be moving into Jo's soon, I will spend time with you tho promise. But ill have my own family aswell.

Mother in law: What you on about im your family, she isnt blood.

OH: I will be home soon, im going now.

Mother in law: Well dont be long i miss you.

*OH hangs up the fone*

Now please tell me it isnt just me being me, your was that weird. That woman is totaly coo coo. I wouldnt mind so much if I had done soemthing wrong, but I have only met her twice and tend not to bitch about her incase OH tells her.
Blimey, is she not married? - She sounds very lonely. Seems she's clinging on little too much to her son - He's not a little boy anymore. Your other half is VERY patient with her. My OH wouldn't have been so obliging. Infact I think he would have been quite rude to her!

I would have had the same reaction as you - his prorities should lie 100% with you now.
His parents are still married, but they have a very strange relationship. He doesnt want to say anything to her, because he doesnt want to upset her. Im finding it really hard keeping my gob shut. Shes being a real pain in the ass, telling him that when the babys born to to tell that shes having the baby for a couple of weeks. Like to see her try taking my new born baby. :twisted: Really feel like going round there to talk to her, but I know for a fact I wouldnt be able to keep my cool.
violet-glow said:
telling him that when the babys born to to tell that shes having the baby for a couple of weeks.

yeah right, she better keep her paws off
My my sounds like she controls all the men in her house!
She obviously thinks her control extends to you?!!!! Little does she know eh?

I would struggle not to strangle her I think

What a strange woman! - At least you'll be living togather soon - Things will hopefully be much better then
Yeah hope she backs off when hes living here.

Should be my job, im the only one whos aloud to control him hehe :D
Oh i know that conversation well! My OH's mam was just like that. Eventually i had to tell her that Richard may be her son but he is my partner, we live together and she has no right to interfere our lives at all.

MIL's can really suck.
ha ha my exs mum was like that they are italian and in italy when your son marries you have them living with you, since splitting with him i have heard his parents sold their house they got another one where he has the upstairs and they have the downstairs!! glad i'm not with him that would have drove me nuts. At least he said no i'll see you later and stated he would be with you soon my ex was a wimp like that! isnt she excited about having a granchild and pleased for her son, tell her to bog off :lol:
Oh my god that is just freakish!

Have you spoken to him about being a mummies boy?! It would be funny if it wasn't so weird!
My ex's mum was like that too..did my head in...and one of my mates moms is the same..calls him NON stop its soo annoying. I think i got lucky with my MIL to be this time around :D

and i can imagine her trying to take ur baby for a few weeks..omg what a deluded woman!!
Oo-er :shock: I think you should buy her some scissors & tell her she needs to cut her apron strings. She sounds like a bit of a bunny boiler

Also your OH needs to stand up to her a bit more. Its not fair for her to make him feel guilty for wanting to spend time with you & not with her. Tell her to join the W.I & get out more.! :lol:
urchin said:
Oh my god that is just freakish!

Have you spoken to him about being a mummies boy?! It would be funny if it wasn't so weird!

Funny you should say that, I told him I thought he was a mummys boy today, he didnt take it to well. He said he was just being nice to his mum to keep the peace. So I said either u tell her how you really feel or I will. So hes meant to be having a word tomorrow with her. Yeah right ill I believe that ...NOT!

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